<BGSOUND SRC="linus.mid" LOOP="INFINITE"> Mark Alan Lyerly

Mark Alan Lyerly

Mark Alan Lyerly 10.03.01

Hello, Welcome to my home page. My name is Mark Lyerly and I'm from the great state of North Carolina!! And now for a little bit of information about me.. The last of four children, I was born on September 30, 1963. I have two sisters and one brother. My dog Cullie is a Tan Lab./Retr X. mixed crazy dog. I went to college at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Charlotte is the home of theCarolina Panthers. For one of my majors, I studied Geography. My other major was Psychology, a chance to learn about myself and those around me! My minor was Political Science...I had two internships one with Representative Sue Myrick of North Carolina and the other with Carolina NeuroServices. Here is my resume.

I have been to Hong Kong and to the Philippines.

They say "A picture's worth a thousand words" well I have no pictures. However, I do have a story. MY STORY

For fun I enjoy traveling to the North Carolina Zoo at Asheboro, the beaches of Myrtle Beach, SC and the North Carolina MountainsNC Waterfalls#1.Or here NC Waterfalls #2

Some of my favorite quotes are from songs and sayings that I have combined to tell more of a story.. If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice(RUSH), Do not walk behind me for I may not lead, do not walk in front of me for I may not follow, Walk beside me and be my friend(saying on a pillow I've read),and if someone asks you if you knew me remember that you are friend of mine(Alan Parsons Project).

I come to you with the knowledge and curiosity of a child, teach me well so that I may learn!!

Pictures: Photo Album Me, Hong Kong, Cullie, My Nieces, The NC Zoo and Mountians, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands of South Dakota, Crazy Horse Memorial, UNCC Entrance;This may take awhile to load so be patient.

More Stuff: Miscellaneous Rubbish; This may take awhile to load so be patient.

This is my house I'm in the process of building My House

Some kewl links to places I often go:

The Phlog a place to yak and chat and sometimes learn something too Phlog Redux

My Home Town Salisbury It's a small town in North Carolina.. Growing every day !! I like to call it home!!

Rowan County Information Rowan County Great information site for Rowan County.

My College University of North Carolina at Charlotte Been there for what seems like forever.. However, I graduated Mother's Day May 10, 1998

The Carolina Hurricanes Hockey Team!! Located in Raleigh!!

A spot I Volunteer at when time allows: Rowan Helping Ministries

You have got to try this: Kaleidoscope Painting

Try this too: Jackson Pollock

Bubble Wrap Stress Relief: Bubble Wrap

My choices for the Seven Wonders of the modern world: Seven Wonders

What's your personality type Find out here

Do you experience Stress, Depression or Anxiety? Then Go here: Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Try this one also: Cyber Camera

Like Cartoons Joe Cartoon

Ain't got's good English Common Errors in English

Mark's own Little Bible Corner:
The Real Jesus Jesus in Archaeology and History
Noncanonical Resources Wesley's Noncanonical Web Page
And Adam Knew Eve A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible

You can Snail Mail me or you can E-mail at Hotmail: Puffin/Mark

or at Yahoo : Puffin/Mark

Snail Mail at:
Mark Lyerly
5375 Creekwood Drive
Salisbury, NC 28147

I made this ...Sit Cullie Sit...Good girl....

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