David's Fall Quarter Schedule


Home: (530) 753-9075

Personal Info:

1. Full name: David Tan Quan
2. Nicknames: Dave
3. Birthday: May 4, 1979
4. Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
5. Where do you live now?: Davis, CA
6. Parent(s): Eduardo and Merylee
7. Sibling(s) and age(s):  Larry (22), Andy (21), and Melvin (17)
8. What do you look like?: 5'5" medium build, tanned skin
9. Favorite animal(s):  dogs
10. Favorite TV show(s): Married with Children and Road Rules / Real World
11. Favorite kind(s) : comedy and action.
12. Favorite movie(s): The Cutting Edge, Ronin, Pretty Woman
13. School: University of California at Davis
14. Future school: what school?
15. Future job: bouncer for a club
17. Best buds: Gary, Hovik, Carolyn, Susan, and Heather
18. Favorite candy: anything sour
19. Hobbies/interests:  reading, shopping, anything with computer
20. Things you collect: dust on my computer and shot glasses
21. Do you have a personal phone line: yeah
22. Favorite body part of the opposite sex: eyes and figure
23. Any tattoos and where of what?: none visible = )
24. Piercing(s) and where?: I plead the fifth
25. What do you sleep in?:  my birthday suit
26. Do you like chain letters?: NO!!!!!
27. Best advice: Do not drink laxatives for the fun of it
28. Words and phrases you over use: OK and yeast!
29. Non-sport activity you enjoy: listening to music and playing on the computer
30. Dream car: BMW M5
31. Favorite season: Spring
32. Bedtime: about 1-2AM
33. Where do you shop?: Structure and Gap, but can't beat the deals at Target!
34. Coke or Pepsi: Mountain Dew
35. Favorite thing(s) to wear?: white shirts
36. Favorite subject(s): economics and PE
37. Favorite color(s): blue and white
38. Favorite people to talk to online (chatrooms): yo' momma
40. Do you shave?: just my face
41. Favorite vacation spot(s): vacation?  what's that?
42. Favorite family member(s): the goldfish
43. Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid?: is that why my tongue is blue?
44. Favorite CD you own: the ones that I make
45. The ONE person who you hate the most: Marilyn Manson
46. Favorite food(s): my macaroni with shrimp and anything chinese
47. Who is the hottest guy or girl in the world?: Denise Richards, Jennifer Love Hewitt, to name a few
48. What is your favorite salad dressing?: Ranch (not fat-free)
49. When you die, do you want to be buried or burned into ashes?:  buried
50. Do you believe in aliens?:  (beep) TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!!
51. If you had the chance to professionally do something, what would you do? play ping-pong
52. Things you obsess over: women, school, and how I look...uh oh, am I gay?
53. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
54. A teacher you hate: an old English teacher...Mrs. Tub-O-Lard
55. Favorite Disney movie: Lady and the Tramp
57. What toppings do you like on your pizza?: Ham and pepperoni
58. Do you like your school food?: Food?  I cook for myself!!
59. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?: in Bill Gates' mansion
60. Favorite thing(s) to do on weekends: sleep and talk on the phone
61. Favorite thing(s) to get cleaned up: both of my desks...they're a mess even right now
62. Favorite magazine(s): Maxim
63. Favorite flower(s): rose
64. Favorite number(s): 5
65. Favorite ice cream flavor(s):  mint chocolate chip with chocolate syrup
66. What kind of guys/girls are you attracted to?: women who are considerate, nice, and loving
67.  What's your most embarrassing moment?: when I went swimming during the winter
68.  If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: to look better
69.  Do you eat breakfast first then brush your teeth or brush first?: I don't eat breakfast, but if I do, I'd eat first
70.  Favorite time of day: around 3-4pm
71.  Can a guy and girl be just "best friends?": yeah!!!
72.  Do you ask the girl/guy out or do you wait for them to come to you?: I usually make the first move, but I'd be flattered if I get asked
73.  Do you mind paying for sex?: me suckie, suckie.. me love you loong time...five dolla only
74. What's the most important thing in someone's personality?:  intellect and compassion
75. Do you have a pager or cell phone? jeah
76. Favorite smell: light citrus
77. What was the best gift you ever received?  life
78. What did you listen to while completing this e-mail?: the hum of my computer
79. Would you like to be married in the next 5 years?: depends if Britney Spears is single
80. What would please you most in life?: peace
81. Do you believe in any god?: I believe in the only God
82. Drank Alcohol: not anymore
83. Broken the law: my probation officer told me not to answer this
84. Had sex: Not lately
85. Kissed: I don't have a Ph.D. in Romance for nothing
86. Ran away from home: When I was little
87. Broken a bone: nope...milk, does a body good
88. Played strip poker: Not yet.
89. Had a medical emergency:  played volleyball and someone landed on my head while I was on the ground
90. Number of people you've dated:  3
91.  Number of times you've been happy: Too many times
92.  Number of times you've been hurt:  quite a few times also
93.  Do you have any habits?: I like to eat a lot (A LOT!!!!!!!)
94.  Most admirable trait: I try to lend an ear to anyone hurting, and console those also
95.  Least admirable trait: I'm usually a hermit, unless there's a sport outside to play