><font color=blue> Friend of the Month - Tim Sutton </font>

Friend of the Month - Tim Sutton

Febuary's Friend of the month is the big pizzano himself - Tim Sutton.

Full Name: Tim James Sutton

Age/Birthdate: 21/ June 20, 1978

Marital Status: Divorced Twice

Siblings: Nick (age 19) and all my brothers in Waterloo and Shwa

Pets: Millie (dog)

Nicknames: Suds, Pizano

Hair Color: Brown/Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Hieght: 6'3

Location: Shwa/Waterloo

School: Wilfrid Laurier

Favorite Things to Do: Beat Doog at fooseball

Favorite color: the color of money

Favorite food: chicken

Favorite drink: rye

Favorite class: biochemicalnuclear physics

Favorite numbers: #4 Bobby Orr

Favorite watering hole: anywhere Thompson won't go

Favorite movies: Braveheart, Porno

Favorite actor/actress: Ron Jeremy, princess from Braveheart

Favorite TV Show: Simpsons, Bugs Bunny and Tweety

Favorite Restaurant: Run for the border

Favorite Stores: Loblaws, Canadian Tire

Favorite Board Games: Monopoly

Favorite Songs: I'm an asshole, Stairway to Heaven

Favorite music video: Another Brick in the Wall

Favorite CD: And So Forth (Self Titled)

Favorite Bands: High Rise, And So Forth, Tragically Hip

Favorite Singer: Suds

Favorite animal: eddie

Favorite cologne: pleasures, cool water

Favorite shoes: sandals

Favorite words/phrase: murder, pizano

Favorite car: Kit (in all reality Porche 911)

Favorite sports: Hockey (Leafs), Golf

Have a Job?: Yes, General Motors, Male giggalo in the side

Have a car?: Yes, Kit!!! everyone knows Kit!!!

Have any Piercings or Tatoo's: not yet

Do you believe.....

love at first sight?: I loved pumper at first sight

luck?: if there is such a thing I don't have any

aliens?: yes

horoscopes?: no

heaven?: yes

hell?: yes

yourself?: sure, why not?

Pumper?: when he doesn't back out of plans last minute

Which is better?

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Nike or Addidas? Nike

Oranges or Apples? Oranges

One pillow or two? one

deaf or blind? it depends on the situation (ugly person = blind, annoying person = deaf)

pools or hot tubs? hot tubs

naked or fully clothes? if you are talking about Thompson I chose naked

blondes or brunettes? albino

tall or short? either is fine as long as they can handle the murderhorn

TV or Radio? TV

Paper or plastic? paper

Anal or Oral? I am a virgin to the anal scene

About the opposite Sex?

Honestly what do you notice first? If the girl were a midget..., I would notice that first.

Hair-curly or straight? straight

What kind of things do you find romantic? one night stands

Does size matter? If you are talking about tasty cakes, No. I am more of a leg person

Things you hate about em': When they speak

Things you love about em': When they are quiet

When was the last time you....

Took a shower?: Everyday

Talked on the Phone?: as little as possible

played poker?: long time

punched someone?: I will go hit Ciso now... he didn't flush the toilet!!!

Kissed someone?: When don't I kiss someone

Wacked off?: when don't I wack off

Yelled at Ciso:? Flush the fucking toilet!!!, I just did.

What is....

your most prized and important possession? murderhorn

your biggest pet peeve? ciso letting the yellow mellow

the most embarrassing CD in your collection? Blue Rodeo

your favorite thing for breakfast? caffine and nicotine

your worst fear? @#$%*&# a warm pail of water (stolen Ciso quote)

Your advice to Others

Reason to work for a car? Every pizan needs a car... it is the only way to get a blind retarded midget out on date.

your reason for punching in the wall? To demonstrate the overwhelming power of suds.

What do you think of...

abortion? It is nobodys business except for those who have to make the decision.

prematital sex? Suds says that he enjoys sex often. Suds likes getting aids.

rap? pizan loves Q-tip/Tribe called Quest

alternative? alternative to what

country? Suds likes Canada

oldies? For every who knows about TSN (it was fake at some parts but Suds had a lot of fun anyway)

dance? Thompson should dance or he may loose is Pizano status Sprague?

Eddie is a pizano, but sometimes he is just Ryan (This may be one of my best quotes yet)

Doog? Dancing Doog is the best Doog. Some people like to eat chicken and some don't.


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