The radar has been up all day citing unsuspecting students for grammar misdemeanors and worse.
Sometimes we let them off with a warning. Sometimes they get the book thrown
at them. The following links will help you avoid writing offences such as
recurring spelling errors and word choice errors (the misdemeanors), documentation problems (felonies),
and suggest sites which might help you find ideas for writing topics. Enter the LINKS below to avoid the grammar police patrol.
Actually, the grammar patrol likes lots of coffee and donuts, so they're pretty laid back.
Enjoy the BIG FIVE proofreading tips presented on the misdemeanors and felonies link and check out the all-Canadian webpages
on the last page. ENJOY!! © 1997
Links to other sites on the Web
Misdemeanors and felonies
Internet sources to spark writing assignments on current topics
What is a thesis statement anyway?
Making the World Safe for Democracy
Emallia's Quarters
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