Wilpena pound from the air (from resort web site)
Homestead rest stop in Wilpena Pound
A rest whilst backpacking in Wilpena Pond
Rachel with backpack arriving at Cooinda Camp, Wilpena Pound
Geoff at the saddle on St Mary's Peak
Precipatous path on St Mary's peak
Jesia, Geoff, Rachel and Graham at the summit of St Mary's Peak
Sunset on decent from St Mary's Peak
Sunset on decent from St Mary's Peak
Sunset on decent from St Mary's Peak
Sunrise in Wilpena Pound (over our tent)
Rachel drinkin in the Pound on a very hot day.
Path in Wilpena Pound with mountains in background
Rachel in Edowie Gorge, Wilpena Pound
Geoff and Rachel in Edowie Gorge, Wilpena Pound
Geoff climbing in Telowie Gorge, Wilpena Pound
Sunset over the pound with Geoff and Jess in foreground
Crashed out on way home (Wilpena Pound)
White kangaroo (Wilpena Pound)
View from ridge over Spencer Gulf
Rachel by a rockfall in Hidden Gorge
Another Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby
Campfire in Mt Crawford Forest
A tranquil scene at Keema Conservation Park
Rach on her birthday (in new top)
A southern right whale in the Southern Ocean (Middleton)
A southern right whale's tail in the Southern Ocean (Middleton)