Images added 19/4/98

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Our House

Side of 188

Our Street

Adelaide Cathedral

Some cycads for Peter (Botanic Gardens)

Footbridge over the Torrens (way to uni)

Glenelg beach and jetty

greenway appartments (arrival accom.)

Part of the Heysen Trail in Deep Creek C.P.

The Kids Hospital (in panorama)

Juggler at the Adelaide Festival (with chainsaw)

A Koala from Belair N.P.

Deep Creek N.P. Landscape

Us at Light's Vision Lookout over Adelaide (with Oval)

Our Lounge

Rachel With Roger (Boss) and Wife at McLaren Vale

The Palm House (Botanic Gardens)

Pharmacy Department (70's?)

Raz Bellamy? (Deep Creek N.P.)

Raz with icecream (hat for falling acorns) (Belair)

Cove at Deep Creek N.P.

Western Grey Kangaroo at Deep Creek

Roo again

Roo and Coast at Deep Creek

sleepy Roo!

Adelaide Rosellas

Rach and the campervan