Graham's Photography Page

Graham and Rachel's Photography Home Page

and other stuff

Hi, We're Graham Stretch and Rachel Nunn.
Some of our interests are:
Photography & travel.

We are currently living in Acton, London, UK.
Graham is working as a Community Pharmacist, and Rachel as a Pre-reg Pharmacist Training Manager at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.

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please sign the guestbook so we know who's been here!

Click links below to see the photos:

Added 5/6/2001...Some photo's from Matthew and Lorraine's wedding (29th June, 2001) ...

Added 5/6/2001...Matthew's Stag Night, held in Crawley/Brighton on the weekend of 1-3rd June (no nudity)...

Added 3/6/2001...The Thames Path, a 34 mile walk from the Thames Barrier to Hampton Court Palace that we did over 2 days on the Whitsunday Holidays...

Added 11/4/2000...Freycinet National Park four day walk...

Added 6/4/2000...Leaving parties and Rafting the Franklin...

Added 11/3/2000...Tassie!...

Added 9/7...

Added 24/8...

Added 9/7...

Added 27/4...

Added 19/4...

Pictures from a certain cocktail party!

You can view the 19/4 images as an album (Pentium & Netscape >2 users-a bit slow)

Please Note: These images are copyright, copy at will but please don't alter.

Some Keywords Are:
Thames Path

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Links to other sites on the Web

A Kangaroo!
Centre for Pharmaceutical Research
Pharmacy: Uni of S Australia
Pharmacy: Uni of Manchester

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This site is owned by Graham Stretch

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