Welcome to francisco Javier Vega's Page
For all the the Air Force  Security Forces  members. In this site you will find numerous links, that can help you during your Air Force career as Security Forces member. You will find not only Job related sites, but also a couple of non-job related sites (ie, Free e-mail site, magazines, and how to voice your opinion) that can be convinient at times. My intent for building this site is to make you aware of everything that affects your job, and at the same time make you understand where it all originates. By facilitating your way around some sites that you might not have been aware of, this site will help you broaden your understanding of the Security Forces Career.
If you have any suggestions about anythig you believe should be added to this page, write me at this e-mail address. Francisco_2_98@yahoo.com
Some sites that you might want to visit
the air force official link
the Department of Defense official link

Air Force Personne Center

Air Force Regs

DOD derectives

New Jersey legislator

laws for the 50 states

Supreme Court Desitions

  If you would like to know more about your career field visit
The Security Forces Site. In this site you will find a lot of information about our history and our ethics (ie sp creed, heritage, and pics from defender challange).
U.S.A.F Security Forces, "this is the law itself"
In the US CODE you can obtain all of the laws not just the Air Force Instructions, to have the whole view of where some of the laws we enforce are referenced by the Government.
this is the US CONTITUTION in here you can look up your ammendments.
This is the State constitutionsfor you to become aware of your state of residence's laws.
This is a very helpful site to research Supreme Court decissions and the law it's self becuase it has links to the US Code and the US Constitution.
The Staff Judge Advocate has the U.C.M.J for you to look at
Be aware of what is going on in the govrnment, and voice your opinion or concerns!!!
***If you would like to write your congress Representative click here***
if you want to visit the The White House and see what they are up to click on it.
If you would like to know more about the Anthrax Vaccine click on more information
These are good police links that may help you on your job
If you would like to get information about any police department click POLICE AGENCIES
Good Police tool for assistance in PoliceInvestigations
Country Code Finder (to make telephone call outside the U.S.A)
The D.A.R.E web site D.A.R.E
Law EnformentAgencies
Traffic Accident Investigation Calculator
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Here are a couple of informative magazines
    People Magazine
     Sports Illustrated

     Time Magazine
check your e-mail acounts or open new ones!!!
Rockett mail

Snap Email!
for information seeking use these sites!!

snap search

mns search


The EINet Galaxy
Helpful Tools if you would like to start your own web page
    The HTML Primer
     HTML Quick Reference Guide
this is the web site for the hispanic year book
to see more pictures [here!!]
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