Job Listing

Searchable Databases
- JobWeb
- Site is owned and operated by NACE (National Association
of Colleges and Employers), a non-profit professional
- CareerMosaic
- Thousands of jobs, US and international. Unique feature "Radius Search" allows
you to enter a zip code, a radius (in miles), and keyword(s) and get a listing
of jobs in that geographical area.
- CareerCity
- 125,000+ jobs, US and international.
- Monster Board
- Job openings in mostly technical areas but some in marketing, sales,
multimedia and management.
- America's Job Bank
- National clearinghouse for the public Employment Service. Lists
thousands of jobs, in a wide variety of fields. Well-organized, has links
to thousands of employer websites.
- Career Magazine
- Listings are updated daily from major Internet jobs newsgroups. Section "On Campus" has articles and info directed toward students and recent grads.
- CareerWeb
- Well-organized, includes employer profiles.
- Net-Temps
- Consortium of employment agencies; wide variety of entry level positions in the Bay Area. (Note: We do not recommend utilizing employment agencies that charge the job seeker).
By Location
Bay Area
- Bay Area Careers
- Searchable by 8 Bay Area regions (including Sacramento).
Linked to jobs on company home pages. Some entry
level jobs.
- BAJobs
- Jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area, organized by
discipline and by company; searchable.
- JobsJobsJobs
- Thousands of jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area, organized by
category and by location; searchable.
- Silicon Valley Job Source
- Direct links to jobs at major high-tech employers in Silicon Valley
and San Francisco. Lots of Bay Area job source information. Includes Bay Area
employers, government jobs, venture capital firms and newspapers.
Southern California
- San Diego Source
- San Diego employers searchable by company type.
By Organization
University of California System
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- UC Office of the President
- UC Berkeley
- UC Davis
- UC Irvine
- UC Los Angeles
- UC Riverside
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC Santa Cruz
- UC San Diego
- UC San Francisco
California State University System
CSU Employment Board (all campuses)
- CSU Chancellor’s Office
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
- CSU Chico
- CSU Dominguez Hills
- CSU Fullerton (go to Human Resources)
- CSU Hayward
- CSU Long Beach
- CSU Monterey Bay
- CSU Northridge
- CSU Sacramento
- San Diego State
- San Francisco State
- San Jose State
- Sonoma State
California Community College System
California Community Colleges List (Phone, US mail and Internet addresses)
- CCC Job Bank (go to Current Positions)
- College of Marin
- Contra Costa Community College District
- Peralta Community College District
Select California Private Colleges and Universities
Loyola Marymount University
- Pepperdine University
- Santa Clara University
- Stanford University
- University of Southern California
Colleges and Universities in the U.S.
Jobs in Higher Education
Links to college and university job listings.
By Career Field
- Bio Online
- Listings in biotech companies, from entry level lab to
law and administration, mostly in California
San Jose Mercury News Classifieds
- Listings in the Bay Area searchable by keyword (e.g.,
- BioPlanet
- Bioinformatics listings, U.S. and international
(Human Molecular Genetics Website)
- Positions in bioscience and medicine, U.S. and
- Searchable database of jobs available internationally and
in the U.S.
- Business Related Jobs
- Business related jobs and general information.
- AACC Job Opportunities
- Current openings
for chemistry majors interested in the food industry.
- ACS Job Bank
- Classified and display employment ads from two most recent issues
of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) accessible to ACS members
only (student discounts available).
- The Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) Bulletin Board
- Position
announcements, fellowships, grants, & awards in environmental
health. Mostly scientific positions, some
scientific journalism fellowships.
- Career Opportunities, Meeting Announcements
- Position announcements posted in The
Scientist. Primarily biomedical research positions in major
research centers, educational settings, and government agencies. Some scientific editorial positions.
- ASTC Job Bank
- Contains career and internship openings in science centers and museums.
- Chemistry & Industry Magazine Job Database
- Includes a daily updated list of world-wide science-related positions in government, industry, and academia.
- Science Professional Network
- Provides a comprehensive database of world-wide positions listed in Science magazine
including research positions in industry, government, and academic settings.
- EDNET-Employment Opportunities for Educators
- Positions for credentialed candidates only, primarily in Southern California.
- EduTech On-line Educational Employment Search
- California listings, for credentialed candidates only.
- Project Connect Page
- Listings for credentialed candidates only, mainly in the Midwest. Choose "Education Job Search."
(You will need to get the password from your ECS Placement Assistant or Advisor.
Call (510) 642-3283.)
- California Opportunities
- Links to job opportunities in the University of California, California
State University, and California Community College systems.
- Jobs in Higher Education
- Links to college and university job listings.
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Hotwired
- "Company Index" searchable by location, industry and company.
- Circuit On-line
- Searchable by job category and location. Jobs also searchable under employer sites.
- IEEE Homepage
- Under "Entry Level Resources" can search entry level positions by job category and location.
- Supersite Techjobs
- Searchable by job category (and company type). Entry level positions are
included under "salaried positions." Most jobs in California.
- Searchable by company name or technology. Linked to company
home pages.
- Jumping Chips
- Jobs collected from semiconductor company home pages (including start up companies).
- Searchable by job category and location--can specify driving distance from an area code.
- Java Jobs Online
- Nationwide companies seeking Java programmers.
- Web Jobs USA
- Nationwide internet/web jobs searchable by location.
- Hot Jobs
- Searchable by job category, location, entry level and by company. Lots of software jobs, some engineering and some entry level.
- Career Builder Network
- Searchable by location (including San Francisco Bay Area) and by job category. Lots of software jobs, some engineering, some entry-level
- Job Safari
- Alphabetical and geographical list of company pages containing job listings--mostly engineering and computer related.
- Career Mosaic
- Searchable by job category, location and entry level. Enhanced feature--"Silicon
Valley Career Center."
- Advanced Job Search at Westech Virtual Job Fair
- Contains a database of high-tech positions including entry level positions.
- AIChE CEP Classifieds Xpress
- Industrial and academic position announcements for chemical engineers.
- BMEnet Job Openings
- Lists biomedical
engineering positions in industry and academia which include some entry
level opportunities both at the undergraduate and graduate level.
- CDF Jobs Database
- Contains a
searchable database for positions in computational fluid dynamics that
includes career, summer and post-doc positions.
- Career Opportunities
- Provides weekly updates of design and construction related openings posted
in the ENR magazine.
- Lists job opportunities with
space-related organizations that were posted in Launchspace Magazine.
Includes entry-level positions.
- Mechanical Engineering Magazine's Job Opportunities Page
- Posts current industrial and academic positions listed in Mechanical
Engineering magazine. Includes some entry level opportunities.
- NSPE Web Employment Classifieds
- Organized by state and international
locations. Includes listings for a variety of engineering
disciplines. This emerging site appears to be a promising new job
announcement resource for engineers.
- OpticsNet Help Wanted
- From the Optical Society of America. Provides on-line current openings.
- OPTICS.ORG Job Search
- Lists positions in the optics and photonics field. Includes some entry level
- Pro/E Job Network
- Lists positions that involve
Pro/ENGINEER or PT/Modeler skills.
- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)'s Employment Opportunities
- Lists positions in the car,
aircraft, truck, off-highway equipment, engine and related industries.
- Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers
- For members only (students included). Job and resume postings, and a membership
- Structural Engineers of California
- Some entry level structural engineering positions but primarly
positions requiring experience. Go to Job Forum/Employment Opportunities section.
- Water Online’s Search For Jobs
- Provides a searchable
database of nationwide water related job openings that includes entry level
- OpenCasting.Com
- Casting notices, crew calls, links to studio job banks
- ShowbizJobs.Com
- Jobs in Film, Television, Recording, Multimedia and Attractions
- TV Jobline
- Jobs in television plus studio directories and television employment forum
- Broadcast Employment Services - TV Jobs
- Jobs in broadcasting ($10.00/year) and additional resources on job hunting in the field and career advancement
- Media Line
- Jobs in television updated every 24 hours - also provides critiques of your resume or tape by television professionals
- Advertising & Media Jobs Page
- Includes copywriting, creative and marketing - will also e-mail new jobs according to your preferences
- FreelanceOnline
- Freelance writing, editing and arts-related jobs
Government/Public Sector
- USA Jobs
- Official site for federal jobs, maintained by the Office
of Personnel Management
- California
State Personnel Board
- Information on civil service examinations and immediate
job openings
Association of Bay Area Governments
- Job listings for local city and county government and
special district agencies
- Jobs
In Government
- Search engine providing national information on
government and public sector employment
- HRS Federal Job Search
- Database of vacancy announcements from federal agencies downloaded nightly. Also has a free email service and information about the federal hiring process.
- Hospitality Net Virtual Job Exchange
- Includes conference and banqueting, food and beverage, and marketing and sales
- Law Employment Center
- Provides current info on jobs and employment trends within the field of law
targets young professionals and recent law school grads.
- Job Link For Journalists
- Print and broadcast listings including reporting/writing/editing, research, photography and design