UC Berkeley
Career Center on the Web


Job Listing Sites

* Searchable Databases
This page is still under development;
please check back often.
* By Location
* By Organization
* By Career Field
·Electrical Engr and Comp Sci 
·Government/Public Sector
·Public Health
·Social Service
* Internships
* Metasites - sites that list other sites

Searchable Databases

Site is owned and operated by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers), a non-profit professional organization.
Thousands of jobs, US and international. Unique feature "Radius Search" allows you to enter a zip code, a radius (in miles), and keyword(s) and get a listing of jobs in that geographical area.
125,000+ jobs, US and international.
Monster Board
Job openings in mostly technical areas but some in marketing, sales, multimedia and management.
America's Job Bank
National clearinghouse for the public Employment Service. Lists thousands of jobs, in a wide variety of fields. Well-organized, has links to thousands of employer websites.
Career Magazine
Listings are updated daily from major Internet jobs newsgroups. Section "On Campus" has articles and info directed toward students and recent grads.
Well-organized, includes employer profiles.
Consortium of employment agencies; wide variety of entry level positions in the Bay Area. (Note: We do not recommend utilizing employment agencies that charge the job seeker).

By Location

Bay Area
Bay Area Careers
Searchable by 8 Bay Area regions (including Sacramento). Linked to jobs on company home pages. Some entry level jobs.
Jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area, organized by discipline and by company; searchable.
Thousands of jobs in the San Francisco Bay Area, organized by category and by location; searchable.
Silicon Valley Job Source
Direct links to jobs at major high-tech employers in Silicon Valley and San Francisco. Lots of Bay Area job source information. Includes Bay Area employers, government jobs, venture capital firms and newspapers.
Southern California
San Diego Source
San Diego employers searchable by company type.

By Organization

University of California System

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - UC Office of the President - UC Berkeley - UC Davis - UC Irvine - UC Los Angeles - UC Riverside - UC Santa Barbara - UC Santa Cruz - UC San Diego - UC San Francisco

California State University System

CSU Employment Board (all campuses) - CSU Chancellor’s Office - Cal Poly San Luis Obispo - CSU Chico - CSU Dominguez Hills - CSU Fullerton (go to Human Resources) - CSU Hayward - CSU Long Beach - CSU Monterey Bay - CSU Northridge - CSU Sacramento - San Diego State - San Francisco State - San Jose State - Sonoma State

California Community College System

California Community Colleges List (Phone, US mail and Internet addresses) - CCC Job Bank (go to Current Positions) - College of Marin - Contra Costa Community College District - Peralta Community College District

Select California Private Colleges and Universities

Loyola Marymount University - Pepperdine University - Santa Clara University - Stanford University - University of Southern California

Colleges and Universities in the U.S.

Jobs in Higher Education
Links to college and university job listings.

By Career Field


Bio Online
Listings in biotech companies, from entry level lab to law and administration, mostly in California
San Jose Mercury News Classifieds
Listings in the Bay Area searchable by keyword (e.g., biotech)
Bioinformatics listings, U.S. and international
HUM-MOLGEN (Human Molecular Genetics Website)
Positions in bioscience and medicine, U.S. and international
Searchable database of jobs available internationally and in the U.S.


Business Related Jobs
Business related jobs and general information.


AACC Job Opportunities
Current openings for chemistry majors interested in the food industry.
ACS Job Bank
Classified and display employment ads from two most recent issues of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) accessible to ACS members only (student discounts available).
The Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) Bulletin Board
Position announcements, fellowships, grants, & awards in environmental health. Mostly scientific positions, some scientific journalism fellowships.
Career Opportunities, Meeting Announcements
Position announcements posted in The Scientist. Primarily biomedical research positions in major research centers, educational settings, and government agencies. Some scientific editorial positions.
ASTC Job Bank
Contains career and internship openings in science centers and museums.
Chemistry & Industry Magazine Job Database
Includes a daily updated list of world-wide science-related positions in government, industry, and academia.
Science Professional Network
Provides a comprehensive database of world-wide positions listed in Science magazine including research positions in industry, government, and academic settings.


EDNET-Employment Opportunities for Educators
Positions for credentialed candidates only, primarily in Southern California.
EduTech On-line Educational Employment Search
California listings, for credentialed candidates only.
Project Connect Page
Listings for credentialed candidates only, mainly in the Midwest. Choose "Education Job Search." (You will need to get the password from your ECS Placement Assistant or Advisor. Call (510) 642-3283.)
California Opportunities
Links to job opportunities in the University of California, California State University, and California Community College systems.
Jobs in Higher Education
Links to college and university job listings.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

"Company Index" searchable by location, industry and company.
Circuit On-line
Searchable by job category and location. Jobs also searchable under employer sites.
IEEE Homepage
Under "Entry Level Resources" can search entry level positions by job category and location.
Supersite Techjobs
Searchable by job category (and company type). Entry level positions are included under "salaried positions." Most jobs in California.
Searchable by company name or technology. Linked to company home pages.
Jumping Chips
Jobs collected from semiconductor company home pages (including start up companies).
Searchable by job category and location--can specify driving distance from an area code.
Java Jobs Online
Nationwide companies seeking Java programmers.
Web Jobs USA
Nationwide internet/web jobs searchable by location.
Hot Jobs
Searchable by job category, location, entry level and by company. Lots of software jobs, some engineering and some entry level.
Career Builder Network
Searchable by location (including San Francisco Bay Area) and by job category. Lots of software jobs, some engineering, some entry-level
Job Safari
Alphabetical and geographical list of company pages containing job listings--mostly engineering and computer related.
Career Mosaic
Searchable by job category, location and entry level. Enhanced feature--"Silicon Valley Career Center."


Advanced Job Search at Westech Virtual Job Fair
Contains a database of high-tech positions including entry level positions.
AIChE CEP Classifieds Xpress
Industrial and academic position announcements for chemical engineers.
BMEnet Job Openings
Lists biomedical engineering positions in industry and academia which include some entry level opportunities both at the undergraduate and graduate level.
CDF Jobs Database
Contains a searchable database for positions in computational fluid dynamics that includes career, summer and post-doc positions.
enr.com Career Opportunities
Provides weekly updates of design and construction related openings posted in the ENR magazine.
Lists job opportunities with space-related organizations that were posted in Launchspace Magazine. Includes entry-level positions.
Mechanical Engineering Magazine's Job Opportunities Page
Posts current industrial and academic positions listed in Mechanical Engineering magazine. Includes some entry level opportunities.
NSPE Web Employment Classifieds
Organized by state and international locations. Includes listings for a variety of engineering disciplines. This emerging site appears to be a promising new job announcement resource for engineers.
OpticsNet Help Wanted
From the Optical Society of America. Provides on-line current openings.
Lists positions in the optics and photonics field. Includes some entry level positions.
Pro/E Job Network
Lists positions that involve Pro/ENGINEER or PT/Modeler skills.
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)'s Employment Opportunities
Lists positions in the car, aircraft, truck, off-highway equipment, engine and related industries.
Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers
For members only (students included). Job and resume postings, and a membership directory.
Structural Engineers of California
Some entry level structural engineering positions but primarly positions requiring experience. Go to Job Forum/Employment Opportunities section.
Water Online’s Search For Jobs
Provides a searchable database of nationwide water related job openings that includes entry level positions.


Casting notices, crew calls, links to studio job banks
Jobs in Film, Television, Recording, Multimedia and Attractions
TV Jobline
Jobs in television plus studio directories and television employment forum
Broadcast Employment Services - TV Jobs
Jobs in broadcasting ($10.00/year) and additional resources on job hunting in the field and career advancement
Media Line
Jobs in television updated every 24 hours - also provides critiques of your resume or tape by television professionals
Advertising & Media Jobs Page
Includes copywriting, creative and marketing - will also e-mail new jobs according to your preferences


Freelance writing, editing and arts-related jobs

Government/Public Sector

USA Jobs
Official site for federal jobs, maintained by the Office of Personnel Management
California State Personnel Board
Information on civil service examinations and immediate job openings
Association of Bay Area Governments
Job listings for local city and county government and special district agencies
Jobs In Government
Search engine providing national information on government and public sector employment
HRS Federal Job Search
Database of vacancy announcements from federal agencies downloaded nightly. Also has a free email service and information about the federal hiring process.


Hospitality Net Virtual Job Exchange
Includes conference and banqueting, food and beverage, and marketing and sales


Law Employment Center
Provides current info on jobs and employment trends within the field of law targets young professionals and recent law school grads.


Job Link For Journalists
Print and broadcast listings including reporting/writing/editing, research, photography and design