"Truth is the object of Knowledge of whatever kind; and when we inquire what is meant by Truth, I suppose it is right to answer that Truth means facts and their relations, which stand towards each other pretty much as subjects and predicates in logic. All that exists, as contemplated by the human mind, forms one large system or complex fact, and this of course resolves itself into an indefinite number of particular facts, which, as being portions of a whole, have countless relations of every kind, one towards another." (The Idea of a University, John Henry Newman, 1801-1890)



Differential Equations




Math 145 Combinatorics

Math 128C Numerical Analysis
Newton-Raphson Method
Newton-Raphson Method
Newton-Raphson Method -- Online Lessons

Math 168 Linear Programming

Fuzzy Logic Systems

David H. Bailey's Website with the new formula for Pi that he worked on and links to his Parallel Computing UCB class lecture notes
Bailey's CS267 Lecture Notes


Classical Physics
Modern Physics

Chemistry Biochemistry


Research Projects: