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Choose TKE!

Fraternities and Tau Kappa Epsilon

Choosing to join a fraternity is a decision of importance. With all the fraternities available on college and university campuses today, finding the one that fits your personality and goals is essential. Then, to make a good decision, you will need to consider the facts.

Here are some facts to know about Tau Kappa Epsilon.

  1. Leadership
  2. Scholarship
  3. Growth
  4. Graduation
  5. Investment
Fraternities produce of commitment.


TKE offers young men the opportunity to develop as leaders--and prepares them to use those skills during their lifetime.

Leadership opportunities abound during your college years. TKE enables and encourages your leadership in campus and chapter activities, in addition to those in the community. These activities are often service, social, or sports oriented. In 1991 alone, TKE men contributed more than 25,000 hours and raised more than $75,000 for Special Olympics, the fraternity's national philanthropy.

Studies show that 76 percent of our nation's senators, 85 percent of key executives, and 71 percent of the men listed in "Who's Who in America" are fraternity men.



TKE membership requires attention to solid academic performance, good scholarship, and achievement. Personal success is acknowledged through awards, grants, and educational programs.

Approaching academics with discipline is a principle upheld by TKE men. A strong academic record not only prepares you for success after you get your degree, it represents your strength of mind and character to the world.

All college fraternities stress the importance of academic achievement. A successful college experience is the basis of the Greek system.



TKE, an international fraternity, is the fastest growing fraternity on the continent. It has been the first fraternity chartered on more colleges than any other fraternity.

TKE is a popular fraternity. In general, the fraternity system is continuing a pattern of steady growth that began after World War II. Since 1941, the total number of chapters on college campuses has increased every year without exception.

Today, there are more than 5,000 chapters of national-international fraternities at more than 700 institutions of higher learning.



Prepared to enter the world, TKE men embody the principles promoted by the fraternity and are poised for success. They belong to TKE..."The Fraternity for Life."

TKE develops well-rounded men. They are men committed to brotherhood, community service, scholarship, and leadership. They are prepared to exemplify these charactersistics for the rest of their lives.

According to a nationwide study of fraternity and sorority members, by belonging to a fraternity your chances or graduating are greater by up to 10 percent.



Joining TKE requires time, effort, loyalty, and only a little money. And thousands of men have accepted the choice to belong, the challenge to become.

TKE men know that their commitment to the fraternity requires effort and discipline, as well as the funds to support the services the fraternity provides to its members and the community.

A U.S. Office of education report shows that less than 1.5 percent of the average college man's expenses goes for fraternity dues. Room and board charged by fraternity chapter houses is usually comperable and often lower, than college or university housing.
