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TKE History  Declaration of
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Xi-Iota History  Founding

On the cold winter night of January 10, 1899 students of Illinois Wesleyan University in the small midwestern town of Bloomington had just returned from the Christmas holiday when Joseph L. Settles went to the room occupied by James C. McNutt and Clarence A. Mayer at 502-1/2 East Locust Street to propound organization of a new society on campus. Joined immediatly by Owen I. Truitt and Roy C. Atkinson, these five students then drew up the first set of regulations for the Knights of Classic Lore, a society whose avowed purpose was "not a fraternity in the usual acceptation, but an organization for the development of men to fit them to cope with the world when their school days were over, and they would be forced up against the stern realities of life" and "to aid college men in mental, moral, and social development."

The Knights of Classic Lore later became known as Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Since that cold January evening Tau Kappa Epsilon has grown to become the world's largest social fraternity. With more than three hundred active chapters in the United States and Canada, Tau Kappa Epsilon International Fraternity has a reputation of excellence worldwide.