-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date 10 Aug, 2000 Purpose Notes for installation of Apache & PHP on Win32 Author Shanx (feel free to write to me at shanx@shanx.com) Versions The software versions this install readme doc refers to: 1. Apache 1.3.12 -- http://httpd.apache.org/dist/ 2. PHP 4 Win -- 4.02, get it from www.php4win.de The version I am talking about was compiled on on 8 Aug, 2000 3. Also download the manual.zip from www.php.net -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R E C O M M E N D E D S E Q U E N C E O F I N S T A L L A T I O N: 1. Apache (Just run the file apache_1_3_12_win32.exe) -- from www.apache.org By default, the Win32 binary installation for Apache will install Apache web server into the folder "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache" if the default drive is C:, for instance. It is recommended to change this path to something more straight-forward such as "C:\Apache" during the installation process. Spaces in the names of folders sometimes lead to problems. 2. PHP (Unzip the php-4.0.2-Win32.zip file and follow instructions in the README.TXT file) 3. Manual (Unzip the php-4-manual.zip file and view manual.htm). A few quick steps are needed for PHP4 to be configured with Apache, and these are described in the manual. The procedure that worked for me, where I install PHP as a module, is described below. 4. For reference, please take a look at the sample HTTPD.CONF file which is the central config file for Apache and typically sits in the folder "\{Apache}\Conf". You can get it from http://shanx.com/php/httpd.conf.txt P H P I N S T A L L P R O C E D U R E ETC. The one that works for me. - Install Apache 1.3.12 into c:\Apache - Create a subfolder called "mod_php4" in the modules folder of Apache c:\Apache\modules\mod_php4 - Extract (unzip) all PHP4-Files (from www.php4win.de) into c:\Apache\modules\mod_php4 - Edit php.ini in c:\Apache\modules\mod_php4 -- Change the line "extension=php_gd.dll" to ";extension=php_gd.dll" This is to disable the GD module as it not very stable - Copy php.ini c:\windows\system32, or to C:\windows - Edit the file c:\Apache\conf\httpd.conf to include the following lines: #--------------------------------------------------------- # THE PHP DIRECTORY STUFF #--------------------------------------------------------- LoadModule php4_module modules/mod_php4/sapi/php4apache.dll AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4 .php .phtml AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps OK, all files are setup up, now for the services: I have added two Path to the Path-Enviroment c:\Apache\modules and c:\Apache\modules\mod_php4 - In Windows NT/2k, just right click on MY COMPUTER and look for "ENVIRONMENT" - In Windows 9x, START-->RUN-->SYSEDIT, and modify the autoexec.bat to add these paths