Welcome To The Life Story Of Sean Andrew Carroll!
I welcome everybody to read a short synopsis of my life story. In it you will find turmoil, intrigue, love, dismay and happiness. Please go ahead; read it and give me any feedback you wish. The life story of Sean Andrew Carroll awaits you!
1979 - 85
On the eighth of September, 1979 at 7:15pm, I was born in the Mater Misericordiae Hospital in Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. My Parents, Andrew Gerard Carroll and Katrina Anne Carroll (née Blight), named me Sean Andrew Carroll, after their favourite actor, Sean Connery. At times I used to use Connery as a second middle name since the nurse who processed my birth certificate kept on spelling my name incorrectly or put Connery as my surname. Even though my mother did get pregnant a further two times, she miscarried and I ended up being an only child.
I only lived in Rockhampton for a few months and ended up moving to Emerald, Queensland before I was one. This move occurred because my Dad got a job as a stock inspector there. Emerald was a humid country town which often had its main causeway flooded so travel in and out of it was more difficult at times. However, I often enjoyed a good swim in the flooded causeway, when the water began to slowly recede.
Even though Emerald did not offer much in the way of popular restaurants, my Dad and I always found something good to eat at the local take-away. For a while, my infant diet consist mainly of dagwood dogs, chico rolls and bacon bars. This was actually a good thing since I turned out to be an asthmatic who was allergic to a lot of 'healthy' foods, such as milk and strawberries.
I first went to school in Emerald at the age of four. My first, Kindergarten, class was called '2 - Morning Group'. Coincidentally, this is where I had my first crush on a girl, who was also in this class. This girl's name was Amanda Kerlin, and I got into trouble when I kissed her without her wanting me to. I made three close friends in this class; Nicholas Aberlie, Stuart Bourne and Zoe Yule, and seeing as Emerald was a closely knit community, my parents also knew their parents. However, these friends were not in my second, Pre-School, class.
At the age of five my parents and I moved to Chinchilla, and I began first grade at Chinchilla State School. This was an interesting time for me since Chinchilla used to get a lot of black-outs and I got a thrill from them because I liked being in the dark. My first grade class was actually a composite class comprised of first, second and third grade. This is where I had my first fight. Well, it wasn't quite a fight since it went like this; I took a third grader's hat and he smashed my head into a concrete pillar.
About one year from when we first moved to Chinchilla, we then moved to Logan Lea, Queensland because my Dad got a job as a veterinarian scientist in the Commonwealth Government. We didn't last long at Logan Lea as my Dad got another promotion and we ended up moving to Canberra, A.C.T. which is the capital of Australia.
1986 - 90
When we first arrived in Canberra we stayed in a hotel in Kingston and I went to Forrest Primary School which is located in the posh part of Canberra. Unfortunately, because we had moved away from Queensland I didn't get as many chances to see my relatives. Both of my sets of grandparents and also my Uncle Gary lived in Brisbane, Queensland which is where they had been most of their lives. I always liked to visit all of them because of the extra 'only child' attention they gave me.
It didn't take long for my family and I to find a nice house, in the southern part of Canberra, to live in. We moved into our Isabella Plains house in 1986 and I was sent to Monash Primary School to attend year one. Here I met my first good Canberra friend, Wesley. Monash was a terrible school, in the way that they were still teaching finger painting in year one while at Chinchilla I had been learning to use a calculator. So, because of this Wesley and I convinced our parents to send us to a different school. This school was called Farrer Primary.
At Farrer I met many people who I would run into later on in life. These people were Alison Drover, whom I used to have a crush on, Matthew Hindle and Marnie Fraser. Farrer was fun for me because the curricular was thorough and I also got to play a lot of sport; such as soccer, cricket and cross-country. By the time I was in year three I had gotten my pen license, a couple of long distance running awards and had been placed in the advanced composite class. However, my run at Farrer was to come to an end. This was not because of anything tragic, it was just because a new school had opened in my home suburb and my parents thought that I should attend it instead.
I met my first girlfriend, Andrea Nash, at Isabella Plains. She and her friends really had something against me wearing school uniform so I dumped her because of this attitude. However, we did get back together a couple of times afterwards. I also ran into Matthew Hindle again at Isabella Plains because he changed schools as well. Everybody knew everybody at IP Primary and because of this there were no distinct groups of friends, except for the respectable people and the girls these respectable people woudn't touch. Fortunately, I had very little to do with the latter group.
I enjoyed myself outside of school as well. My father and I would often play cricket or Transforms or on the old Commodore 64. My family also bred guinea pigs and owned a dog called Lulu. We even, on a bi-yearly basis, went on trips to the coast or had my Uncle Gary stay with us. I made many friends while living in Isabella Plains. However, my life was to change dramatically in mid-1991.
1991 - 93
During my Aunt Robyn's first visit with our family, my Mother kicked my Dad out of the house and filed for divorce. This came as a great shock to both my father and I. For a few weeks I had to stay with my Mum and Aunt in a woman's refuge. I can tell you, this would have been divine had I not been eleven years old. Eventually, my Aunt went back to Canada and I had to realise that I had to live without with my Dad. This was really only the start of things.
I had not gone to school for a while and was getting quite restless. My Mother was taking most of my Dad's child maintenance money which was supposed to be for me and I often went on rampages around the house because living alone with my Mother was not an enjoyable thing, in the least. One day I went on a mega rampage, destroying a window by jumping into it, and throwing inanimate objects all over the place. The day after this, my twelfth birthday, my mother called the Police and had me put into a children's home called Marymead.
It was about at this time when I restarted at a new school, Turner Primary. I was well known at Turner, as the kid with the problem with his Mother, by both the students and the teachers. However, the worst part of my life at this time was the time I spent actually in the kids' home. I got into fights with bigger kids, I was hit by some of the workers and was also offered drugs, which I turned down. Eventually, by the end of the year my Mum had moved to Deakin, the most expensive part of Canberra, had bought a Fiat and was living with a University student, Ting, who was closer to my age than to her's. Also around this time, I had been briefly moved to a foster home. Finally, by the new year I had moved back in with my Mother and was now preparing to go to Alfred Deakin High School.
My Mother, Ting, and I lived together in Deakin peacefully for about one year until Ting went a wee bit crazy. During the 1992 Christmas holidays, Ting took my mother and I to his gay friend's house in Nerang, Queensland. It was about this time that Ting expressed his preference that I should not wear underpants. I told my Mother, in not too uncertain terms, what I thought of him and his desires. Then she told him what I had said and he beat me up and kicked me out of the house for it. Fortunately, I found a nice hessian bag to sleep in. By the next morning, my Mum had found me and given me an altermatum. This altermatum was to either; apologise to Ting or remain barred from the house. I chose the former option.
After a month of being back in Canberra, my Mother and Ting broke up and I was living alone with her again. Around this time, my school grades had dropped to D's and E's and I had gotten suspended for telling a teacher to go do something carnal to her self. Finally, my life totally crumbled around me. I was accused of deliberately humiliating one of my female friends and, when my Mother didn't believe in my innocence, I got into a physical fight with her over her lack of faith in her own son. Once again the Police took me away to another children's home. Luckily, my Dad knew about what was going on this time and he came and got me.
1994 - 97
Moving back in with my Dad changed everything. I started at a new high school called Calwell High School, where my grades went through the roof. I no longer got in trouble with the teachers and was actually a model student. I made friends that I still have today and met lots of pretty girls. I finally had a chance to be a happy teenager and loved every moment at Calwell High. My friends and I would play touch league at lunch time or we would go swimming in the afternoons. On my A.C.T. High School Certificate I received twenty A's, two B's, one C and a pass mark. This meant that I made it into the high achievers group, called the Advanced Core Program, at college (which is years eleven and twelve in the A.C.T.).
Before I began college I had the chance to have a quick holiday fling. I met a girl named Michelle Harrison at the coast and we hit it off quite quickly, considering that she was a practicing Bethesda Christian and I was an agnostic. When we got back from the coast we used to go out almost everyday. We would go to the movies, go swimming, go to the park or just go for walks. It was all happy, innocent fun until I dropped her because she was simply too Christian.
After the holidays I began my studies at Erindale College which was situated in the suburb that I moved to with my Dad, when he met his new wife, Lesley. The first year at Erindale was fairly routine. I made new friends, got high grades and was well on my way to making it to University. In mid-1996 my Dad eventually married Lesley in the Australian Botanical Gardens in Canberra. I got to be the Best Man but I already new that. (HE! HE!) I also started doing Karate during 1996 but gave it up when the female sensei left. Oh! and my Mother got remarried to a Catholic fellow named Frank Farrell but she kept her maiden name.
Finally, 1997 had come and I was going to turn eighteen, something that almost every teenager yearns to happen. The year started off great. I met a future long-standing girlfriend at a friend's party and also realised that I had been going to college with Alison, Matthew and Marnie, people who I had gone to Farrer Primary with. I reacquainted myself with a lot more old friends and 'settled down' with my now ex-girlfriend Elissa Morton. Elissa and I had a lot of fun together and when I really needed someone's company, such as when my Grandad died, she was there for me. Unfortunately, I introduced her to someone with no moral standards and she cheated on me twice with him. Fortunately, my friends stood by me totally and threatened to beat me up if I ever got back with her. Threats that I am glad that they also stood by totally.
Before this tasteless affair, I did have my eighteenth birthday party, where my close friends and I got quite inebriated. The best presents that I received for my eighteenth Birthday were; a 1977 Toyota Corolla, a sports jacket and trousers, a lot of bottles of port, and electronics equipment. This electronics equipment was for if I got into my University course which was and is a Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communications Engineering, at the University of Canberra. So, by the end of the year I had consolidated my place at University, with a Tertiary Entrance Rank of 93.60% and had visited my Grandma and Uncle Gary in Brisbane.
1998 ->
The holidays that spilled over into 1998 hold many interesting secrets which will be told another day. I am currently studying my desired course at University and am getting High Distinctions in all of my units. Finally, you should stay tuned to this web site because I am expecting my future to present me with many more interesting happenings to tell you about.
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