This Space Reserved for
Current News of Kappa Nus
On this page we will report what the brothers
are doing now. For example:
Kim is still our girl
Bruce Shroffel and Pete Singer with the Sweetheart of Kappa Nu
Go figure! Kim Novak was honored for her career's work in a Hollywood
Retrospective on January 18, 2004, and on that day they screened "Vertigo."
PR genius, Bruce Schroffel, arranged for a personal retrospective, but he
could only come up with two tickets. He and Pete Singer were the lucky KN
representatives at the event, and had a few minutes with our goddess, who
fondly remembered the entire KN stunt that we pulled off in 1958. If we
can believe these two brothers, Kim is still "beyond gorgeous" (at age 70)
and they both asked her for a date to the Winter Formal... without success!
Way to go, guys. We are proud of you... not to mention jealous!
* * *
One of our brothers has made it really, really,
really big... we mean, MEGA-FAMOUS!!! Here is
KN, Marc Norman, receiving one of his two Oscars
for writing and producing "Shakespeare in Love."
Part of the award consisted of Marc getting to
spend the night with Oscar presenter, Goldie Hawn.
Way to go, Marc! You are THE MAN!!!
Marc has told his friends, "I worked like a dog for 40
years to become an overnight success!" Of course, he
failed to mention Kappa Nu in his "Thank You Speech,"
but we can forgive that... right? It has been suggested
that we take up a collection to buy him a tuxedo for
his next Academy Awards appearance. Whaddya think?
(NOTE: Marc claims he WAS wearing a tuxedo. He just didn't
have enough money left over for a black bow tie!) OK, we
know what to do next time, and it won't cost nearly as much!
* * *
The following is not a trick photo. Art Twain is actually
directing ex-President, George Bush, in a short 1998 video
production... something about reading his lips!
* * *
Sadly we note the passing of Dr. Miklos Nagy-Talavera, who
survived an incredibly tumultuous life until the age of 73.
There probably was no KN more unique than Miklos. How many
KNs survived the Auschwitz death camp? How many KNs were
fluent in 30 different languages? How many KNs helped to
establish the State of Israel, including sailing on the ship
EXODUS with a boatload of refugees (for which he won the Hero
of Jerusalem Medal)? How many KNs took part in bloody revolutions,
or survived 7 1/2 years in Soviet slave labor camps? How many
KNs worked for the CIA, and knew world leaders such as Charles
DeGaulle, Konrad Adenauer, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara? How
many lived to author two definitive books about European History?
Miklos' list of astonishing achievements and adventures goes on and on,
as reflected in the following letter from Steven Spielberg, thanking
him for his participation in the "SURVIVORS of the SHOAH" Project.
Miklos will be sorely missed by those of us whose lives he
touched so profoundly!
* * *
In our college days, whenever a KN had a problem he went to talk to
Marty Weiner, becuase his advice was always sincere, honest,
intelligent and compassionate. Even then we all knew that this
remarkable brother was destined to become a spiritual leader of his
community. And so it was. In 2003 Rabbi Marty Weiner retired after
39 years in the rabbinate, the last 32 of them as Rabbi of Sherith
Israel, San Francisco's oldest and largest synagogue, which has been
called "the house that Marty built." Near the end of his career,
Marty was named as one of the 50 most influential Jews in the U.S.
This beloved man's achievements and influence would take forever to list
here, but his impact will be long remembered by all those whose lives
he touched. And the Weiner family tradition lives on as his son, Daniel,
is also a rabbi. Marty's concluding remarks as he entered retirement
were, "My main love in the rabbinate was trying to convey the beauty
and inspiration of the Jewish tradition to people... and I hope I've
done that in some small way." Suffice it to say, he did!
* * *
Si Kroll spent his college career in the Naval ROTC program at Cal.
Accordingly, he had to spend several years in the Navy (ours) to
repay the college tuition and expenses which they provided him. Here
Si appears with his immediate commander, a certain Colonel Sanders,
who praised Kroll for his bravery aboard the "Good Ship Lollipop!
* * *
You've all heard of the "Luck of the Irish!" Well, this KN
is celebrating the "Luck of the Jewish!" Big Don Rosenberg
actually walked up to a slot machine at Harrah's Tahoe, and
walked away with over half a million dollars. YOW! Below
is his story as reported in the press.
* * *
Larry King recently interviewed KN Bruce Schroffel
about his "enormous package," and his "sexual prowess,"
which even put Wilt Chamberlain to shame.
* * *
In our fraternity days we all knew Si Kroll was strange,
but the best was yet to come. A few years after taking
his Ph.D. in Mathematics, he was living in the Mendocino
woods, and had transformed into "The King of the Hippies."
In this photo, Si... now renamed "Redwood"... sits in a
wooded glade and contemplates his navel. Farrrr out, mannnn!
* * *
KN has had some great athletes, but who can top the
achievements of "Big Al" Kerr, who played on the CAL
1959 NCAA Championship Basketball Team, ran one second
off the world record in the 440 yard dash, came in 29th in
the Boston Marathon, and who, after two serious open heart
surgeries, was still teaching water skiing at the age of 75?
Al passed away in 2003, and is now playing in that big
poker tournament in the sky. In his honor, the U.C.S.F.
Medical Center, where Big Al ran the Athletic Program for
27 years, named its varsity basketball court, "The Al Kerr
Court." Hundreds attended its dedication.
The best "Big Al" story: Two (2) weeks after his first open
heart surgery (5 bypasses) Al was getting "housebound," and
since it was such a beautiful winter day, he decided to
drive to Squaw Valley and test out his ticker by taking one
run down an intermediate slope (he is an expert skiier).
At the end of his run, he skiied up to two men who were
staring at him with mouths agape... They were the two doctors
who had opened him up on the operating table just 14 days
before. Naturally, they tied him up and took him home!
Hey, we said he was an athlete, NOT a rocket scientist!!!
* * *
Why is Bob Horwitz smiling? He was recently selected by his
peers as the "1997 Pharmacist of the Year!" That's for the
entire United States, folks! Way to go, Bob!
(So, brother... can we score some drugs?)
* * *
Myron Moskovitz (AKA "Horny Hands" from his legendary dating days
at Cal) was not only memorable for horniness... (though compared to
Bob Lom he was a distant second) but also for his prowess on the
tennis court. Now, nearly grown up, Myron has evolved into one of
the truly legendary lawyers in California. He has been a Law Professor
at Golden Gate University in San Francisco for over 34 years, and is
considered the top legal expert in the field of Landlord-Tenant Law
in California. His career boasts over 50 law books and major articles
and he continues to lecture and teach worldwide. But his most famous
claim to fame is successfully defending Miklos Nagy against a charge of
assault on a Berkeley Police officer. Myron, you are awesome!
* * *
Danny Blumberg could barely pay his house bill when he
attended Cal, but things certainly changed for him...
Years later he co-founded a business called "Consolidated
Capital Companies," a mega-conglomorate which made billions.
Now Danny can buy his own fraternity! Wanna join Delta Beta?
* * *
Darrell Sevilla has dabbled in the film business for many years.
Here is one of the out-takes from his movie, "Why the Titanic Sank."
* * *
If you didn't already know about the amazing Lyman family,
Herb Caen summed it all up in his column shortly before
he died. Check this out:
* * *
Please send in news, stories, rumors, vile
innuendoes, grand jury videotapes, etc., and we will
keep you up to date on "Who's Who in Kappa Nu!"