bnb1.wav - "Choke you own chicken dude!"
bnb2.wav - Beavis having a seizure
bnb3.wav - Beavis doing some stand up comedy
bnb4.wav - Beavis and Butthead singing
bnb5.wav - Beavis and Butthead on the bus with Anthrax
bnb6.wav - Butthead sayin "Kick em in the nads!!"
bnb7.wav - The two of them talking about stuff!
bnb8.wav - Beavis sayin "Would you like to see my bunghole!"
bnb9.wav - Beavis sayin "He tried to touch my weiner!"
bnb10.wav - The great Cornholio
bnb11.wav - Beavis sayin "That was cool!"
bnb12.wav - Beavis sayin "The almighty bunghole"
bnb13.wav - Butthead sayin "We're like closed or something!"
bnb14.wav - Butthead sayin "What a dork!"
bnb15.wav - Butthead sayin "You Dumbass!"
bnb16.wav - "Warp speed Mr.Sulu!!"
bnb17.wav - Beavis calling in
bnb18.wav - Beavis getting a little understanding of girls
bnb19.wav - Butthead imitating a famous rap artist
bnb20.wav - Theme for the show
bnb21.au - "It's picasso you idiot!!!"
bnb22.wav - Butthead sayin "I still got a woody woodpecker!!"
bnb23.wav - Beavis taking a dump
bnb24.wav - Beavis and Butthead being stupid
bnb25.wav - This one is real sad
bnb26.au - Taking another dump
bnb27.au - Beavis and Butthead fighting
bnb28.wav - Beavis cussing
bnb29.au - Naked chicks
bnb30.au - Mental masturbation
bnb31.wav - Beavis saying "Hows it going?!"
bnb32.wav - Butthead sayin "This kicks ass!"
bnb33.wav - Beavis cussing some more
bnb34.au - We need a chick
numnuts.wav - Drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket
freebeer.wav - Strange Brew
getfkout.wav - Eddie Murphy
pukes.wav - Drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket
sp.wav - South Park
bud.wav - Bud Frogs
googly.wav - Old man from Snickers commercial
jackass.wav - The Foul Four Motto
getdown.wav - South Park
kitty.wav - South Park
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