Hi! WELCOME to Ahmad Ismail's homepage! for ITM MSc. members

AMADIS Homepage

MSc. Integrated in Construction Project management

Writer's Intent:
The creation of this homepage was driven with the intention to provide a repository of all of the writer's semesters dissertations/presentations/assignments (described here as WORKS) submitted during the 2 years Master's Degree course. These records may be of useful guide for those Post-Graduate students who will want to have a first hand view before deciding to join the programme; hope good enough for you!, or as reference to students who like to peruse into these 'WORKS' so that they have some perceptions expected of them especially for those who have successfully enrolled into such programme; then the expectation is more from now on!, or to those adventuring web viewers who liken to stroll by with interest at heart in some of the 'WORKS'; enjoy viewing! All these 'WORKS' are by large or small the writer's knowledge properties prepared as part compliance to complete for the Master's Science Degree award in Integrated Construction Project Management conducted by the University Institute of Technology Mara (UiTM) in Shah Alam.

For the University offers:
The first such Master's programme developed by the University's School of Architecture, Design and Survey started in late August 1997 till to the present day draws numerous post graduate students in related fields. The writer being amongst the first intake of Post-Graduate students proudly to admit acclaim at the University/school for conducting such Master's Degree in construction project management.Expressing and presenting WORKS in openly dialogue in the Master's programme before panel of experience Professors, Lecturers, Post Graduates and even invited external erudite Professors/Professionals for every WORKS prior submission was the most effective and challenging means of acquiring the benefits of learning for such a course.
Writer's brief background
The writer is a Contractor's Project Manager by profession. One of those lucky chap who had the opportunity to lead many projects especially the highly profile infrastructure NSE highway projects specialising in massive open rock excavation cut in excess of 4 million tonne of rocks that form part of the Expressway major works among others. (The writer's Master's dissertation is based on this topic)

The Writer's craze about the programme:
It was an unconditional bold steps for the writer's own part at first, but being inquisitive about the subject matters on construction project management, the trepidation was immediately overcame with an overwhelming dire desire to learn, compelling the writer into the programme head-on after attending the first briefing given by lead Professor V.B. Johan Torrance. Full with passion and compulsive determination, the writer embarked in the quest to search for serious answers and further understandings to validate the urging deep unfulfilled questions accumulated in all those years of experience practicing construction project management in the field;this opportune learning sharpen and provide some completeness on the missing answers to issues known to him only.

The semester log:
The assignments or 'WORKS' on displayed here were collated successfully into the respective semester where these were 'upload' by the writer at the end of each semester to ensure the 'WORKS' were safely archived and not misplaced.

Any willingness?
Those interested to add comments or for the sake of comparing notes, we welcome such suggestions.

Well, can't have everything!
Some documents or 'WORKS' shown are abstracts from the actual written assignments such as the final dissertation for example. The writer felt no obligation to display here unless request with acceptable reason to the writer. In good judgment your request will receive approbation and then be made available to you.

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