My Personal Biography


Bree L. Sutton




August 21, 1974

Birth Sign:



Detroit Waldorf School, Mercy High School of Farmington Hills, Central Michigan Unversity


Senior Computer Consultant at Technology Operations Woldt Computer Lab




Singing, Dancing, Reading, Writing Poetry, Panting, Working on my Computer, and Hanging Out.

My Mini Vitae:


Gertrude in Shakespeare's Hamlet (1988)
A Nun in The Sound of Music (1990)
A Principal Wife in The King and I (1991)
Bunny Byron in Babes in Arms (1992)


Mercy High School Choir (1988-1992)
Mercyaire Show Choir (1990-1992)
Central Michigan University Women's Choir (Fall 1993, Spring 1995)
Central Michigan University Concert Choir (Spring 1994-Spring 2000)
Central Michigan University Festival Choir (Fall 1994, Fall 1995, Fall 1996, Fall 1997, Fall 1998, Fall 1999)
Central Michigan University Chamber Singers (Fall 1998-Spring 1999)


$50 Scholarship Award for Flute from the Detroit Center for Creative Art, Music, and Dance (1987)
Second Place in Division VII at National Association of Teachers of Music (N.A.T.S.) (Spring 1998)
Award of Excelence from Central Michigan University for being a member of the Chamber Singers(Spring 1999)
Leadership Award from the Central Michigan University chapter of American Choral Directors Association(Spring 1999)

Misc. Stuff You Might Find Interesting:

I was the 10,000th graduate of my high school
I will be graduating on August 5, 2000 with Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
I am an alumni member of the Eta Xi chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota **smiles**
I toured Ireland with the Central Michigan University Chamber Singers in May 1999!**super smiles**
I had a Dog named Nikki **sadness** but I still have a Cat named Tori.**smiles**
I am engaged to the most wonderful man in the world! The wedding date is April 14, 2001 ^_^ His name is Geoff, and this is his picture ^_^
Geoff's Webpage
I'm very happy!

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