Hey yoh...wassup peeps??? Well..i know i ain't updated this in hella dayz..but i got no time rite now, and i'm just plain lazy. In case u didn't know...i'm going to DVC rite now to finish up some GE units...so yeah..i'm home in da Bay still. I'm working at the YMCA as a lifeguard, making a LITTLE bit of money..but not nearly as much as i need. Yup, but it'z all good...cuz i'm makin endz meet, ya know?? yeah..so anywayz...if u wanna KIT or whateverz..just email me at pakidc@aol.com, ait?? i'm outiez...latez!! Sign my g'book!!!!!

oh...and by the way...i know all the pics on here are really old..but as soon as i get some time, i'm gonna go to my friend's house and scan a whole buncha new ones and put them up...so i'll let u all know, k?? u can keep checkin too...since i KNOW u all wanna see me hella bad!! hahaha...ait...buh bye!!!

LAST UPDATED: February 3, 2000

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