engineering department (P)
Manufacturing techniques and cybernetics (P1)
and information techniques (P2)
Applied manufacturing
Rocket techniques (N1)
Precise mechanics and optics (N2)
Power production
and processing technique department
Division for power engineering (E1)
Division for processing technique (E2)
Number of students was increasing gradually , and the last several years , before the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, more than 600 new students were enrolled every year. There were about 2200 students enrolled in the academic year 1991/ 92. By the end of 1996 about 620 mechanical engineers and 4500 Dipl. ing. graduated at the Faculty. At the postgraduate studies about 110 students completed their Master degree and 40 Doctor of sciences degree work were completed. Mechanical engineers were finding job in many branches of industry making more than a half of Bosnia and Herzegovina economy.
The Mechanical Engineering Faculty had 170 employees before the aggression, out of which academic staff consisted of 110 professors and assistants covering over hundred subjects at undergraduate level and number of subjects at postgraduate study. Professors from the other universities, including those from EU and North American universities, were also teaching at postgraduate study organized by Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo.
Mechanical Engineering Faculty had good co-operation with other mechanical engineering faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina helping them in foundation and development, through establishment of courses and with visiting professors. Very successful co-operation was established with faculties and universities from other countries, as well, resulting in exchange of staff and work on joint projects.
Mechanical Engineering Faculty had, before the aggression, close links with a number of universities from Europe and North America, notably with the University of Erlangen in Germany, Imperial College and Kings College in London and UMIST in Manchester, UK, University of Graze in Austria, University of Waterloo in Canada, Wisconsin University and Washington State University in the USA, Moscow University in Russia, Prague University, Czech.
Many professors at the Faculty completed their postgraduate education , received master’s and doctoral degrees at those universities and maintained professional and personal links. A number of professors from these and other universities from abroad participated with lectures and student guidance in postgraduate studies over the years. Several co-operative research projects were conducted in the years before the aggression, sponsored by national and international foundation ( e.g. USA DOE, USA EPA, German International Bureau for Scientific Co-operation under the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology, and German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, and now ÖAD, as well ) .
Continuous connections with enterprises and institutes were realized in order to ensure good education and work on research and development .
Building of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty consisted of two wings , western and eastern, with the total area of about 22 000 sq. m. Classrooms, two lecture theaters with 220 places, and one with 670 places ( all three in eastern wing ) , laboratories for education and research work, as well as the offices are placed in these two wings .
The aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, almost four years of the siege of Sarajevo and location of the Faculty practically at the front line had severe consequences for the Faculty: loss of human resources, destruction of buildings and loss of significant part of the laboratory equipment . But, in spite of that, education activities at Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo did not stop. They were reduced and only undergraduate study was organized. For some time we were forced to work at eight locations in the town of Sarajevo. From March, 1994, we are working in our building, which was heavily destroyed during the aggression. In spite of that, 307 students graduated and 4 Master theses and three Doctor of technical sciences theses were completed, as well .
After establishment of peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Dayton in December 1995, many efforts are made to reconstruct the Faculty. Some repairs , started even during the aggression, are continued , and the part of the available space is in function. Education at the undergraduate level is organized in the similar way as before the aggression, but with reduced number of staff and smaller number of students, as well.
The Faculty is now using just a part of the space in the western wing (old building) , which is temporarily repaired. All the educational activities are taking place in this wing. The conditions are extremely difficult, but, about 45 academic staff and 600 students are working in those conditions.
The Faculty is undertaking very active promotion within BiH and on the international level in order to ensure donations to reconstruct both the buildings. These efforts have already shown its results. The reconstruction od Old building (6000 sq. meters) is to be finished and operational from September 1997.
There are firm commitments from German government and OPEC for the reconstruction of the New building (16000 sq. meters), which will most probably be operational in the spring 1998, just in time for the celebration of 40-th anniversary.
Present activities of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering can be divided into two groups: education on one side, and science and research on the other side.
Educating activities are held continuously through periods of 9 semesters (4 and half years of undergraduate study) after which students have to complete diploma work to get the degree of Graduate Mechanical Engineer, i.e. Diploma Engineer - Dipl. ing. Five semesters education (First degree study) after which students earn the title Engineer - ing., is organized periodically.
The professional title, Specialist, and the scientific title, Master of Science are acquired after postgraduate study which is also periodically organized. The science and research activities on the Faculty result in foundation of a series of laboratories and a modern computer center. Scientific, development and study and research work are organised, which enabled the realization of doctoral thesis in order to get the titles of Doctor of technical science.
We are certain that by the time of our fortieth year celebration, most of our prewar laboratories will be in function, again. Some of the laboratories were for :
The admission of students to the undergraduate study is done according to the Law of conditions and criteria for admission to the 1st year study on institutions of B&H Universities in 1992/93.
Students are basically recruited from high-school students, and when admitted to the Faculty, will have to decide in which department and group will be enrolled, as follows:
1. Manufacturing techniques department with the following Groups:
- Manufacturing technique and cybernetics
- Manufacturing organization and information science
2. Applied manufacturing techniques department with the following Groups
- Rocket technique
- Precise mechanics and optics
3. Power and processing techniques department
- Power engineering
- Processing technique
4. Department for Internal Combustion engines and vehicles
5. Department for mechanical wood technology
The study is divided into two main stages. The first four semesters are preparatory part of the study. This period of the education is the same for all students, while during the last five semesters students are divided into departments and respective Groups of their choice.
The regular examination periods are:
- January/February,
- June/July,
- September.
The students have the right to take each final term examination in two attempts in each examination period.
Students are admitted to the 2nd year with 2 examination not taken during the 1st year (except Mathematics and Statics). Students can join the 3rd year with 2 examinations from the 2nd year (except Mathematics). Final diploma examination is taken at the end of the study.
Common subject |
1. The basis of sociology |
2. Military defence and protection |
3. Physical training |
4. Mathematics I |
5. Descriptive geometry |
6. Tehnical documentation | - | 30 + 45 | - | - |
7. The basis of computer techincs and graphics |
8. Statics |
9. Physics |
10. Mathematics III |
11. Material resistence |
The basis of electrical engineering and
electronic |
13. Kinematics |
14. Dynamics and oscilation | - | - | 45 + 30 | 30 + 30 |
15. Mathematics II |
16. Materials |
17. Machine elements | - | - | 45 + 45 | 45 + 45 |
18. Wood (only MTD) |
The preparatory part of the study involves the groups of similar subjects which are organized into chairs, such as: 1) Chair for Mathematics and Physics, 2) Chair for Mechanics, 3) Chair for Machine Constructions.
The chairs function as the basic scientific-educational and research units for all subjects within the chair.
It is very important for the students to have proper knowledge in Mathematics and Physics because the curriculum from high-schools is largely broadened in the preparatory part of the study.
Our experience shows that the students who had excellent marks from Mathematics and Physics in high-school can finish the preparatory part of the study without much difficulties and in time. Also, the students who finish the preparatory part of the study successfully and in time, usually finish the Faculty successfully and in time.
Estimating the importance
of the laboratories, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering include: Physics
laboratory, Material science laboratory, Computer laboratory (CAD/CAM),
Laboratory for system’s dynamics and constructions etc.
Common subject |
16. Foreign language |
17. Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics |
18. Analogue-digital control |
19. Mechanisms |
20. Welding and thermic treatment |
21. Chip removal machining |
22. Technology of machinery manuf. |
23. Manufacturing by deformation |
24. Measuring technics in manufacturing |
25. Automation and robots |
26. Factory planning |
27. Flexible technological system |
3.2.1 Manufacturing techniques
and cybernetics (P1)
Common subject |
28. Construction and CAD methods |
29.Organization and production economics |
30. Transmissions and tribology |
31. Transport machines |
32. Chip removal machines |
33. Plasticity and deformation machines |
34. CIM - computer integrated manufacturing |
3.2.2 Organization and information
techniques (P2)
Common subject |
Organization method and production
economics |
29. Production and transport machines |
30. Motion study and occupational health |
Systems of control, preparing and
production |
Operation research and information
theory in system production |
Planning and reliability of organizing
information system- |
Maintenance and reliability of
production resource |
TOTAL for Sub-department: |
Our students have won a number of awards and recognition at competitions with the other Faculties of Mechanical engineering in ex. Yugoslavia, which proves the quality of the preparatory part of our studies.
Permanent growth of manufacturing goods production in 30 years before the 1992/95 War, obviously supported by scientific research, has been reflected in the development of the Department for production technique and cybernetics.
Common subjects: Thermodynamics and Fluid mechanics, Analogue-digital control, Mechanisms and transmission, Computer aided design gives the necessary basis for widening of technological processes, technical preparation and tool construction, equipment and devices included in the subjects: Chip removal machining, Deformation treatment, Welding, Production of machinery technology, Thermal treatment and Measuring techniques.
Technological complex is completed by applying the organizational methods in modern technological systems (Organization and production economics, Factory planning, Flexible technological systems). There are over 1500 mechanical engineers who earned their degrees in the Production department; it is 35 % of the total number of graduated students in all departments. These engineers work all over ex Yugoslavia, in scientific, industrial and university and high-school institutions, but the majority of them have been employed in UNIS, ENERGOINVEST, ZRAK, FAMOS, BRATSTVO, UNIONINVEST etc. During the last 35 years, they have contributed to the production of machinery, machine and industrial metal treatment, and today, they are leading experts in some of these enterprises.
Modern scientific research in machine planning and control applying the development of informatics on science and high technology in the Manufacturing techniques and cybernetics department reflected in planning of chip removal machines (from universal apparatuses to numerically controlled machines), plasticity and deformation machines (presses, hammers, blacksmith's automatics, special and numerical automatics, special and numerically controlled plants).
Robotics and Computer integrated systems are the necessary background for planning of future factories, high-technologies and new production methods application. It is very hard to list all possibilities of employing of these engineers, but we have to stress some economics sectors which give the scholarships practically to all students; these are: production of machinery, metal works, railway and highway vehicle production, war-technique and armament production, household appliances production, electrical apparatuses etc.
The engineers from Groups of manufacturing techniques and cybernetics have the knowledge from planning, construction, machine controlling technology, tools and devices; that's why they are, among others, prepared to work in planning and construction, technical preparation of work, in research centers and the corresponding scientific institutes.
Department for applied production with Groups for precise mechanics and for rocket technique was founded in 1978.
The idea was to educate engineers who will be able to work both on production-technological problems and on construction of modern devices of applied industry in rocket technique, optical mechanics and optical electronics.
First two years, and partly the third year, are common for all students.
The third year involves the subjects from fundamental sciences of applied manufacturing, which are the background for studying the problems of estimation and construction of the applied manufacturing devices. The end of the study is reserved for specialized subjects.
In 1989. the curriculums
and programs were revised in accordance with the needs of applied industry.
In order to contribute to the creativity of applied production engineers,
the new disciplines are involved: CAD and CAM, optical electronics, control
systems etc.
3.3 Curriculum: Applied
manufacturing department
Common subject |
16. Foreign language |
17. Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics |
18. Analogue-digital control |
19. Mechanisms |
20. Organization and production economics |
21. Construction and CAD methods |
22. Optical electronic |
23. Technology for chip removal machining |
24. Deformation technology |
25. The basis of flight dynamics |
26. System for automatic control |
27. CIM |
3.3.1 Curriculum: Rocket
techniques (N1)
Common subject |
28. Detonation theory |
29. Technology of explosive materials |
30. Surface protection |
31. Rocket propulsion |
32. Projectile design |
33. Dynamics of guided projectiles |
34. Measuring in armament |
3.3.2 Curriculum: Precise
mechanics and optics (N2)
Common subject |
28. Measuring tehnics in productions |
29. Theory of optical instruments |
30. Lasers and infra - red technique |
31. Technology of optics |
32. Technology of process mechanics |
33. Construction of optical instruments |
34. Measuring in optics |
3.4 CURRICULUM: Power production
and processing technique department
Common subject |
16. Foreign language |
17. The basis of economics and organization |
18. Thermodynamics |
19. Fluid mechanics |
20. Heat and mass transfer |
21.Production and exploitation techniques |
22. Automatic control |
23. Measuring technique |
3.4.1 Curriculum:
Division for power engineering (E1)
Common subject |
24. Furnaces and boilers |
25. Heat exchangers and pipeline |
26. Hydraulic machines and ventilators |
27. Heat engines |
28. Heating and ventilation |
29. Cooling and air conditioning |
30. Hydro power plants |
31. Thermal and nuclear power plants |
Economics and energy and the
environment protection |
33. Design of equipment and plants |
TOTAL for Sub-department: | 255+195 |
Thermodynamics, Fluid mechanics, Heat and mass transfer and Automatic control are the subjects which are attended by all students of Power production department.
Theoretical knowledge from these subjects is practically applied in specialized subjects such as: Heat machines, Furnaces and boilers, Thermal and nuclear power plants, Hydraulic machines, Hydroelectric power plants, Heating and ventilation, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Heat exchangers, etc.
Fundamental subjects from the Chair for Power engineering, involve lectures and research (graphic) tutorials (in modern laboratories) which contribute to the more efficient adaptation of the material from lectures.
The curriculums of special subjects involve scientific excursions .
The students who achieve the best results are included in research programs or in tutorials etc.
Mechanical engineers of Power department are usually employed in enterprises dealing with electrical industry, hydro and thermal power engineering and i.e. in institutions which deal with research and development, planning and construction of hydro - mechanical and heat exchange equipment, heating and air conditioning equipment, production, transfer and rational usage of different types of energy etc.
Students who are specially
talented for research work can continue their education on postgraduate
studies (which are organized almost continuously) in order to achieve the
title of Master or Doctor of sciences.
3.4.2 Curriculum: Division
for processing technique (E2)
Common subject |
24. Furnace and kilns |
25. Heat and diffusion transfer apparatures |
26. Pumps, ventilators and compressors |
27. Mechanical operations and devices |
28. The basis of technological processes and plants |
29. Cooling technique |
30. Chemical industry plants |
31. Food industry plants |
32. Economics and energy and the environment protection |
33. Planning of equipment and plants |
TOTAL for Sub-department: |
The forthcoming, planned
development of process production of machinery in our country should present
the biggest substitutions of expensive technologies import. Process technique
involves chemical, food production, pharmaceutical industry, production
of cement and building material, metallurgy, mining, production of explosives
and technical gases, environmental problems, etc.
3.5 CURRICULUM: Department
for internal combustion engines and vehicles
Common subject |
16. Foreign language |
17. The basic of economics and organizat. |
18. Thermodynamics |
19. Fluid mechanics |
20. Heat and mass transfer |
21. Production and exploitation techniques |
22. Automatic control |
23. Measuring technique |
24. Heat engines I |
25. Internal combustion engines |
26. Engine equipment |
27. Methods of engine and vehicles testing |
28. Propulsive vehicles |
29. Special vehicles |
30. Planning of engines and vehicles equipment |
31. Construction of internal combustion engines |
32. Motor - vehicles |
33. Exploitation of engines and vehicles |
The subject, Internal combustion engines deals with analysis of physical and chemical processes in engines, construction of engines, testing methods and specific equipment analysis (injection of fuel, engine adjustment, electrical equipment, etc.).
The subject, Propulsive engines deals with gas thermodynamic and constructive characteristics of air turbo-jet engines. The group of subjects about motor vehicles involves constructive and dynamic characteristics of highway, passenger and goods transportation vehicles. Special, for example caterpillar-type vehicle and other out of road vehicles are within the subject Special vehicles. All lectures from this Department are followed by various practice exercises, mostly in laboratories. A part of the practice exercises is done in factories - producers of motors and vehicles, and in motor-transport enterprises, which makes the education obvious and attractive.
Students of this department
can be easily adapted to other types of engineering practice, because this
study involves a wide range of subjects and scientific disciplines.
3.6. CURRICULUM: Department
for mechanical wood technology
Common subject |
16. Wood and auxiliary materials chemistry |
17. Thermodynamics and fluid dynamics |
18. Analogue-digital control |
19. The basis of power units and automat. |
20. Wood processing machines |
21.Internal transport machines and devices |
22. Wood sticking |
23. Hydro-thermic wood processing |
24. Wood processing in sawmills |
25. Construction of wood products |
26. Veneers and veneer boards |
27. Plywood sheets |
28. The bases of economics and organiz. |
29. Foreign language |
30. Final wood processing |
Planning of technological processes
and thermo-technology in Mechanical wood technology |
32. Preparation of production in Mechanical wood technology |
33. Surface wood processing |
34. CIM - computer integrated manufacturing |
To make this development possible, we have to educate a number of highly skilled workers for wood industry, who are still insufficient in our country.
This department deals with the basic technical knowledge (Mathematics, Physics, Statics, Material resistance, Machine parts, Electrical engineering, programming on computers, etc.), with subjects which involve the characteristics of the basic row material (Wood chemistry, Wood science, Hydro-thermal wood processing etc.), as well as the following subjects on construction and technology of wood products (furniture production, production of different kind of wood boards, products of wood etc.) The students who successfully finish this department, and receive the degree of graduated mechanical engineer in wood technology are employed mostly in furniture factories, factories of wood products in construction engineering, factories of veneers and veneer boards and wood boards, as well as the research and development meters and design companies in the wood industry area.
Edhem Seferović, Dean
Marić Stjepan, Vice dean for undergraduate studies
Alija Lekic, Vice dean for scientific and applied research
Full Professors: