Curriculum Vitae


Gaetano Mendola

Birth Date

November 6, 1971




84, rue Desnuettes

75015 Paris (France)







Nov 1991 - Nov 1998

University of Pisa
Laurea in Computer Engineering. Thesis about Distributed Simulation.
Special topics covered : Parallel Algorithms, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Computer Networks, Real-Time rendering (Develop Framework based on OpenGL).

Work Experience

May 2001 - Now

Paris, Eutelsat s.a. (Multimedia Department) – Senior Software Engineer (MBI - permanent)

I arrived in Paris, after my experience in Holland, to work for Eutelsat, at that time (2001) Eutelsat had his multimedia platform Opensky under development; I was in charge to develop some services for his platform and also I had the task to do a migration from MySQL to PostgreSQL for what was concerning the database behind his multimedia platform.

So far the main projects accomplished (upper lines are the newest):

  1. User level space traffic shaper written in C++ on Linux platform.

  2. Software Based CAS currently used on Opensky™ IP-TV

  3. Ethernet Multi Path Router: User level router written in C++ on Linux. It allows to split tcp traffic over satellite and via terrestrial link for the same client (the user may specify which rate of connections should go on satellite).

  4. SMS Gateway ( Siemens TC35T ): Server written in C++ on Linux. It receives alarm messages from various monitoring hosts on the network and forward them via SMS to a list of people in charge for each service.

  5. Encoder Mpeg4: Service ( C++ ) for Windows for encoding video stream from Mpeg2 to Mpeg4 (using Microsoft encoder), this server is able to respond via UDP messages to requests about the encoding process;

  6. Design and implementation of Users Database (pl/pgsql) database on Linux platform using Postgres. This database manage commercial activity (contract sell), operative activity(like login and logout) and keys management for CAS (Conditional Access System).

  7. Security Token: keys manager for encrypted content.

  8. Socks Patch: Modified the Open Source Socks Server ( Dante 1.1.13 ) in order to limit the bandwidth consumption for each connected user.

Oct 2000 - May 2001

Roma, Pegaso srl - Ericsson Netherlands – Senior Software Engineer - Coach (permanent)
CCI (Common Charging Interface) Project. CCI is an application on both the AGP 30 (Unix based AP) and APG40 (Win NT 4.0), the adjunct processor which is based on Intel HW and the Windows NT OS. CCI will be the interface to all systems outside the AXE. The competence of my Design Team is develop the subsystem for data acquisition and dispatching information. All subsystem is developed on both platform in C++.

Oct 1999 - Oct 2000

Roma, Teseo srl – Software Engineer (permanent)
Teseo srl is a small company of the SNAI holding. SNAI is the main betting company in Italy.
Teseo takes care of the technological aspects involved in the selling of bets.
The betting are sold through two Unix servers, these servers are located in Lucca (properties of Snai) and in Rome in the Department of Finance (that collects betting of other company). This two server are mounted in cascade configuration and the bets are stored in a Sybase DBMS in both systems. These servers can process about ten thousands bets per minute.
The same software is used in Italy for the Tris bet by Sarabet; This system will be used in South Korea by Trigem-Snai for the betting on the 2002 Soccer World Cup
All the software is written in C++ on Unix machines HP (with Sybase support). The servers have a web interface (we have developed a custom Web Server) to manage the status of the processes and of the services, moreover the main critical status of activity are notified via SMS (Short Message Service), for this scope I wrote a server (Linux) which forward the UDP message from server to mobile phone through a gsm-modem.
Various server information are browsable using WAP mobile-phone.

At the moment I'm leading a sub project for fixed-odds bets on horse races and a project to manage the sell-parameter by point of sale (personal odds, risks, etc).

Jan 1999 - Oct 1999

Roma, Finsa Consulting srl – Software Engineer (permanent)
Finsa srl is a company which develop software for third-parts (Microsoft, Siemens, Ericson etc). I worked in a project for Telecom Italia named FAS (Field Access System), in a team of a ten people. The software was written in C in Unix environments (Sinix :-( ), the DBMS was Informix. I wrote a server that implements a custom ODBC to allow clients to access db-data without a true-ODBC architecture (for performances sack and to avoid royalties). The architecture permits to assign the jobs to technical personal according to their skill, distance, complexity and dislocation, through a web-interface on mobile Nokia 9110i.

Aug 1997 - Oct 1998

Safeline® Pilot Training Specialist, Pisa - free lance programmer
Safeline® is a company which develop flight simulator for assist the attainment of licenses of flight. My principal occupation in this project was the treatment of real-time sub-systems. I develop the database engine which includes MORE THAN 19,000 AIRPORTS and over 10,000 facilities with VORs, ILS', NDBs, Fixes. All U.S.A. and Europe airports with published instrumental procedures are included. Moreover the External View Engine shows all details for the whole planet orography, not including the Antarctic Area.

Apr 1997 - Aug 1997

Eclipse - Engineering Associated, Pisa - free lance programmer
I develop in C program a Windows DLL to control (via Parallel Port Dedicated Hardware) and (via GP-IB interface) Test & Measurement instruments.

Aug 1996 - Apr 1997

Piaggio Center, Pisa – contract
In this period I have projected a robotic arm and control software for manipulate soft object (eg. eggs) without crash it. Monitoring via resistor-strips the point of contact respect to finger.

Conferences And Other Projects

- FOSDEM PostgreSQL 2003 ( I gave a presentation a the FOSDEM Conference in Bruxelles about the PostgreSQL usage in environments which need 24/7 services.

- PostgreSQL ( ): I actively collaborate to the PostgreSQL open source project and I'm also the author of the email data type for Postgres ( )

- Cofounder of Dynamitechs ( A small software company whose primary field is computer simulation and synthetic environment creation for manned real-time simulations.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages

Deep knowledge of C and C++ ( both on linux and windows )
Deep knowledge of SQL.
Good knowledge of Java.
Deep knowledge of Object Oriented Design principles.
Good knowledge of main Design Patterns.

Foreign Languages




Native Speaking



Other Skills

- Deep experience with Data Base Administration.

- Good experience with low-level networking (raw sockets, ethernet routing).

Programming Methodologies

- Extreme programming.

- Pair programming.

- UCM Rational.