Witch Hunt at the University of Arizona

in the tradition of the Salem Witch Trials
and the Inquisition


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Summary from 10/31/99 ] Court Info ] Letters of protest ] Letters Containing Info About This Case ]

The text on this page and pages below was updated on: 10/31/99

This page is meant to defend the reputation of Dr. Marguerite Kay, and to alert people to the proceedings that have damaged her good name. The few names given here are of those that are involved in this matter. This page is in no way meant to smear or defame the people or organizations involved. Rather, it is meant to defend Dr. Kay and bring to light certain actions that have been taken against her (these actions are factual and can be proven). Any criticisms given here (such as likening the proceedings to that of a Witch Trial) are opinions that were formulated after reviewing the facts of these proceedings. Nothing here is meant as slander. Every reasonable attempt has been made to ensure that nothing here is unfounded. Every reasonable attempt has been made to back up claims of wrong-doing with evidence. Please review the information given here and formulate your own opinions.

Here you find the summary from 10/31/99. Read here

So that you understand how this all started: Dr. Marguerite Kay, a research professor at the University of Arizona, was "tried" for scientific misconduct by a committee at the University, and (predictably) lost her job there. Then, the University announced the news of her firing far and wide, as if simply terminating her job wasn't enough for them. She is, of course, fighting this. Many of her colleagues, and perhaps some courts (as recent judgements seem to indicate), are beginning to feel that not only was the "trial" and the dismissal handled VERY improperly, but that perhaps there were more sinister motives behind this "trial" in the first place. It is important to note that prior the allegations being brought against her, Dr. Kay "blew the whistle" on some activities occuring at the University. 

To read the old summary that was posted during this "trial", click here.

The CAFT Hearing was held from March 30 - April 4, 1998. The hearing is concluded, and as expected its decision was unfavorable. Dr. Kay continues to fight on, for her career and all that it represents depends on her endurance.

If you have the time, please send email to some or all of the addresses at this link to politely protest the violation of constitutional rights, due process, and academic freedom involved in this case at the University of Arizona.

"my candle burns a both ends.
it may not last the night,
but oh, my friends,
and ah, my foes,
it sheds a wondrous light. . ."


Information on this page updated 10/31/99