When I'm not busy *trying* to be an "A" student, I love spending time with my family....or fishing....or chatting on IRC....or reading a GOOD book....but mostly I love just spending time with my family, relaxing and enjoying life.


My education and research has taken a great deal of 'intellectual' energy and taken me away from family time *far* more than lent itself to spending quality time with my dad (who passed away January 5, '98), kids, fiance` or friends....but my family and friends are behind me, supporting me 250%....and for that I will *ALWAYS* be more grateful than I can ever convey to them.


Meet the whole fan-damily....


My girls and me....from left to right: my beautiful daughters Nikki (aka Peanut^) & Becky (aka Catherine), my beautiful, sweet granddaughter, Moni, and me, Cathy (aka Dazzle^)


Peanut^ chats on KidsWorld...except when I'm at school and she signs on Undernet to chat with me. :) Catherine chats on Babylon 5 (warnerbros.com)....except when she comes to the Undernet looking for me. *G* And Moni??? Wellllll...we haven't taught her how to do fluent typos yet....but it won't take much longer!!!! :>


Nikki (Peanut^), me, & David, my hubby (aka SlvrSplsh)


Meet our new baby.....


Isn't she ADORABLE?????

Careful not to scare her, or she'll run hide in her ....too late! Time for Sara's nap, so shhhhhhhhhh! *G* Nitey-nite Sara! :)

Isn't our baby AWESOME?!??!?!? You can adopt a cute lil baby too--just click on either Sara or her birth certificate to go to the site where you can complete your application....if they think you'll be a great parent, you'll be approved and get your baby right away! :)



My oldest daughter's family....my daughter, Catherine (Becky...or Becca, as she likes to be called), my son-in-law, shakiri (Bobby), and my sweetheart, Moni.


The apple of her nanny's eye....a recent pic of my awesome lil granddaughter, Moni.


Coming soon....more family pics and pics of my mom & dad, may they rest in peace. Perhaps Peanut^ will even start working on a webpage for herself! :)


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