Welcome to My Web-Home!

About as many people know me by my IRC nickname (Dazzle) as do by my real name....maybe I stay on IRC too much? Nah! *G* But, when I'm notstudying or spending time with myfamily, you just might find me on the undernet--on IRC's #30plus. I spent more hours on IRC for a long time than most people spend at work....which may seem quite excessive--'til you stop to consider that, for a long time, IRC was *all* that really saved what lil sanity I had left and was the *only* contact I had with the 'outside world'. I've met so many people on IRC that I would never have had the fortune to meet otherwise--as well as several soulmates who have become best friends....and I also met one wonderful person who's not only a soulmate & my best friend, but he's also now myhusband !!!!!! :Þ

I did research interviews (for my honors thesis) online as well....which gave me a much more diverse sample than just local face-to-face interviews would have. Plus, I logged each online interview--so I didn't have to transcribe anything from those! Thankfully, I had known my research subjects for some time before they *became* subjects. Otherwise....well, the picture below speaks for itself. *BG*

Follow the linksabove to find out more about me and view pics of my family, friends, & me. Below are some of my favorite links on the web....check 'em out! :)

Please sign my Dreambook so I'll know you stopped by!

Meet Sarachu!
She's our new baby!
Height = 21 3/4 inches
Weight = 6 pounds, 5 ounces
Adopt One Yourself @ Pikachu Adoption Center
dazz1e got her NeoPet, Saraph, at http://www.neopets.com

Send a Spirit Flower...adopt a Faerie...& MORE!!!

Commission Junction - Get Paid!

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

Visit the Love of My Life's (my hubby, SlvrSplsh, of course!) HomePage

All across the USA these days, there's kids & violence...it's high time we wake up!!!

Toward more Understanding & Tolerance, Compassion & Peace

CFIDS Info--Resource Page

Help the fight against CFIDS!!! Click on the banner-link:

Fibromyalgia Info--Resource Page

Need to find a book....ANY book??? How about videos or CDs? Then try Amazon.com....they have GREAT prices and, if it's in print or production, they'll have it! If you know what you're looking for or just want to browse, try my search engine....

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Health Center Clinique Lemana

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Need (free) virtual flowers for the cyber or other love of your life? My personal *favorite* for REAL flowers is our hometown florist, Camden Floral--they do AWESOME work and are also teleflorists, so you can get flowers sent to *anywhere* from there!!!

How about a virtual card, present or vacation for your sweetie?

SHAREWARE!!!!! Or you might want to download some other schtuff....

Some people are pathetically *STOOPID*!!! How stupid??? Check out the Darwin Awards to find out! *G*

Need some humor in your life???? Try this one too!!!

Especially for kids

YAHOO--where you can search the web, customize a yahoo info page just for *you*, get free email, and more!

My favorite place to chat, the Undernet

Get --and join the rest of us chatterboxes!

Adopt a your very own baby dragon at....

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