NEW! Certificate in Development Studies
A new course aimed at enhancing English language and other professional skills while increasing the participants knowledge of the environment and encourageing positive attitudes towards community development
For full details of Module 1 - Environmental Issues CLICK HERE

E-mail us for more information

High quality and professionalism are the hallmarks of Vientiane College

Vientiane College is a private education and training institute closely supported by its Australian partner, Monash University.

The College has established a reputation for excellence built on an informed educational philosophy, which enables the success of a wide range of English language and vocational training programs.

International standards are maintained through institutional links and membership of professional organisations.

Curriculum development and course design are based on current theory and praxis and combine language and study skills relevant to local needs.

Student attendance and progress are carefully monitored and evaluation reports are issued at the end of each term.

General English - Adults and Children
Academic and Technical English
Certificate and Foundation Studies
Distance Education
Computer Training

National IELTS Centre
Overseas Examination Centre
Competency Assessment
Placement Testing

Interpreting, Translation and Editing
Needs Assessment
Project Support

Academic Counselling and Course Selection
Departure and Accommodation Arrangments

At Vientiane College we take pride in offering quality education. Our courses are genuinely challenging and encourage students to strive for their best, both personally and professionally. These goals are achieved with the assistance of our dedicated and knowledgeable teaching and support staff. We invite you to take advantage of our wide range of educational services.

For information about this web site or problems experienced please contact
Peter J. Markham, Vientiane College Computer Centre at

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This site was last updated

Friday 27 September, 2002