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Lallan Prasad GUPTA
Job title
Postdoctoral fellow
Key responsibilities
Amino acid analysis in environmental samples using HPLC, Data management and interpretation.
Department or workgroup
Institute for Marine Resources and Environment, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba, 305-8567 JAPAN
C/o Prof. Dr. Hodaka KAWAHATA
-*- Geological Survey of Japan
-*- Geoscience information site
Contact Information
E-mail address
Office phone/fax
Current Projects
Global Mapping of the carbon cycle - project leader Prof. Dr. H. Kawahata
This project involves multidisciplinary work to monitor global climate change related parameters in oceans and on land. It includes study of satellite data from the viewpoint of primary productivity in the oceans, validation of the satellite data by studying chlorophyll concentration in the ocean surface waters, study of land vegetation cover, study of sinking matter flux in the oceans using sediment traps, study of deep sea cores to understand palaeoclimatic changes on the earth, study of coral reefs to understand their role in global carbon cycle, and also for obtaining a short record of recent climatic changes, because the oxygen isotopic data in the coral colonies is a good proxy of sea surface temperature change.
Study on Paleoceanography
- oceanographic environmental changes in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean as inferred from amino acid and alkenone based biomarkersArchaen Park project
- about evolution of biomolecules and lifeBiomass project
- about leaching of toxic elements from combusted wastesBiographical Information
* Ph.D. (Biogeochemistry) 1996
* M.Phil. (Geochemistry) 1993
* M.Sc. (Environmental Science) 1991
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
* B.Sc. (Botany, Chemistry, Zoology) 1988
Allahabad University, Allahabad, India
American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of Japan
1. Gupta L P and Subramanian V (1994) Environmental geochemistry of the river Gomti: A tributary of the Ganges River. Environmental Geology, 24: 235-243 (abstract)
2. Gupta L P, Subramanian V and Ittekkot V (1997) Biogeochemistry of particulate matter transported by the Godavari River, India. Biogeochemistry, 38(2): 103-128 (abstract)
3. Gupta L P and Subramanian V (1998) Geochemical factors controlling the chemical nature of water and sediments in a tributary of the Ganges River in India. Environmental Geology, 36 (1-2): 102-108 (abstract)
4. Datta D K, Gupta L P and Subramanian V (1999) Distribution of C, N and P in the sediments of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river system in the Bengal Basin. Organic Geochemistry, 30: 75-82 (abstract). Full paper.
5. Kawahata H and Gupta L P (1999) Possibility of the origin of life around hydrothermal vents based upon amino acid composition. Kaiyo-Monthly, 19: 203-210 (in Japanese; abstract )
6. Gupta L P and Kawahata H (2000) Amino acid and hexosamine compositions and flux of sinking particulate matter into the equatorial Pacific at 175 E longitude. Deep-Sea Research ,47 (10): 1937-1960 (abstract). Full paper.
7. Suzuki A, Kawahata H, Tsukamoto H, Tanimoto Y, Gupta L P and Yukino I (2000) Skeletal isotopic record of a Porites coral during the 1998 mass bleaching event. Geochemical Journal, 34 (4): 321-329 (abstract)
8. Datta D K, Gupta L P and Subramanian V (2000) Dissolved Fluoride in the Lower Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River System in the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Environmental Geology, 39 (10): 1163-1168 (abstract)
9. Gupta L P (2001) Labile nature of particulate organic matter and its deposition in the lower reaches of the Godavari River basin, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 19 (6): 727-736 (Full paper)
10. Gupta L P and Kawahata H (2002) Impact of ENSO variability on the flux and composition of sinking POM in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean: Amino acids and hexosamines. Deep-Sea Research II , (Full paper)
11. Kawahata H and Gupta L P (2002) Particle flux in the central and western Equatorial Pacific and El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) activity. Kaiyo Monthly, 34: 357-362. (in Japanese)
12. Gupta L P and Kawahata H (2003) Vertical and latitudinal variations in fluxes and amino acid and hexosamine composition of settling particulates along 175°E in the North Pacific Ocean. Tellus B, 55B: 445-455.
13. Gupta L P and Kawahata H (2003) Amino acids and hexosamines in the Hess Rise core during last 220,000 years. Quaternary Research, 60: 394-403.
14. Kawahata H and Gupta L P (2003) El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) related variations in particle export fluxes in the western and central equatorial Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, 59: 663-670.
15. Ohkushi K, Suzuki A, Kawahata H and Gupta L P (2003) Bioturbation of deep-sea sediments and glacial Pacific paleoceanography: evidence from oxygen and carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology, 48 (3-4): 281-290.
16. Gupta L P and Kawahata H (2003) Biogeochemistry of settling POM in the Southwest Pacific: Amino acids and hexosamines. Marine Freshwater Research, 54 (3): 259-270.
Last update Jan 1, 2004