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Currently I am looking for R&D position in materials or catalysis reserach. I have work permit to work in US(Green card). My expertise and achievemnet can be found here by visiting this site

Expert in Inorganic materials synthesis, characterization. Has made several novel materials (see the publications and citations). Expert in heterogeneous catalysis, catalyst preparation, process optimization, phtocatalysis. Has done lots of fundamental and applied research in solid state materials, catalysis and photochemistry.

Great amount of experience in analytical instruments powder XRD, FT-IR, TGA, DTA/DSC, DRS/UV-Visible, GC-MS, NMR, SEM, TEM and EXAFS


Novel materials

  • TAPO-5 and TAPO-11
  • Complexes in zeolite-Y
  • Cr-MCM-41
  • Mesoporous SnO2
  • Layered Chromium oxide
  • Layer to porous transformation
  • Expansion of mesoporous
  • Ru-AlPO-5


  • Oxidation of Phenol to Catechol
  • Ethanol to ethylene
  • Oxidation of large molecules



  • Novel photocatalyst Fe substituted molecular sieves
  • Photoreduction of CO2: In-situ FT-IR investigations



Novel materials

TAPO-5 and TAPO-11

Titanium substituted zeolites or molecular sieves are interesting redox catalysts. For the first time we have prepared novel Titanium substituted AlPO materials in AFI and AEL topologies. (Shown here). The material prepared were found to be thermally stable over 900C

The proof absence of pure TiO2 clusters was confirmed by Laser Raman spectra.

The material was tested for redox catalysis reaction

Phenol + H2O2 -à Catechol + Hydroquinone



Complexes in zeolite-Y



Similar to Titanium substitution Chromium was substituted in large pore material

We tested oxidation of larger molecules

Mesoporous SnO2

Large pore tin oxide was using Aerosol OT. The material seems thermally unstable over 120C. An attempt to remove the surfactant was futile. The TEM picture and AFM picture are shown here.


Layered Chromium oxide

We got layered compound from Chromium oxide system. TEM picture is shown here

Layer to porous transformation

First we got layered material. However on heating it transformed to porous materials. XRD & TEM pictures confirm that one.


Expansion of mesoporous


If you want to see how porous structures of silica has been created in a laboratory. Amazingly 1gram of these materials has surface area equal to half the area of foot-ball ground


Novel photocatalyst Fe substituted molecular sieves


Here is an example, how a porous material can be used as photocatalyst.Look at the 3 dimensional structure of these materials. Light can interact with these materials and activate some chemical reactions

Photoreduction of CO2: In-situ FT-IR investigations

TS-1 material was prepared and confirmed by XRD, XANES.

The FT-IR shows different isotopic CO2 reductions

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