Welcome to  the
Wonderful World
However it happened, you have stumbled into my own little corner on the world wide web. If it was an accident, you know just as well as I do how you can get back on your merry way.

But, if you wanted to be here, feel free to look around. Eventually you will be able to find out a lot about who I am, where I come from, what I believe, what I enjoy, and virtually anything else you would like to know about the man behind the mystery  . . . ME!

Unfortunately, seeing as this is my new and soon to be improved web page, there isn't much to it yet. Do not dismay! As time permits, I will be adding or subtracting to this page, and before long you will see at least some of the many facets of my life. 
Cory, me and Ed
Some Personal Info
College Life Photo Gallery
Returning soon
Friends Pages:
E-mail Me. Tell me what you think. Please!?!
This page is a work in progress. Please come back later, when I have more to say and more time to work on it.