The NoNonsense Globalization Subsite
Globalization - An Introduction -Text version of the introductory lecture on globalization given in class (with some added detail).
Start your search on SPECIFIC TOPICS here: Globalization Links by Theme and Subtopic
ZNet - Z Magazine online... the heart of the movement
OneWorld - one of the best globalization clearinghouses Global Issues That Affect Everyone
The New Internationalist Magazine - The focus is on eco-socialism; i.e. environmental issues examined from a socio-political context. Some articles from this magazine have been rewritten in simplified English and are available at this site.
Third World Network For North-South related issues (Trade, debt, etc.), this is a good place to look
Léo-Paul Lauzon - Léo-Paul Lauzon, dean of socio-economics at UQAM, is Quebec's most outspoken critic of globalization (among other things). To get a good idea of where he stands, take a look at Qui s'emplit les poches...?
Global Crisis by Ted Trainer -a complete analysis of the globalization-environmental crisis from an Australian viewpoint
The International Forum on Globalization -a bit too general for research, but worth a look
Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism - a site designed to accompany the book Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism by Richard H. Robbins. Well laid-out with many globalization links by topic
Global Policy Forum - their primary task is to monitor global policy at the U.N., but they archive hundreds (probably more like thousands) of globalization-related articles, and they are all SEARCHABLE! Please make use of this EXCELLENT resource!
The Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology - Founded and directed by Vandana Shiva, this organization is involved in biodiversity conservation, as well as many other globalization-related issues. Primarily dealing with issues as they affect India, much of the work found here is nevertheless more widely applicable.
Alternative Information and Development Centre - the archives have many useful globalization links
George Monbiot - articles (usually globalization related) from the well-known author and Guardian columnist
Gregory Palast - articles from Palast's Guardian/Observer columns
Globalization News and Commentary
Environmental Information Sources
Earth Crash / Earth Spirit - documenting the accelerating global biotastrophe... and suggesting solutions - archive of globalization-related articles which seek to "correct for the distorted vision of the corporate media"
Globalization Books for Further Reading