Welcome to Sveta's Homepage !!!
This page was visited
times since 20 April,1996
(I check my e-mails every day!)
My life in 4 sentences:
I was born in May 31, 1976 in the very beautiful
city in Ukraine
- Kharkov. I
graduated from 27th school (picture) in '93 and
then studied for one year in Kharkov State University ( picture).
Then got my B.S.Molecular Biology and Genetics at the University of
Maryland at College Park in May 1998. Now I'm in theMD-PhD program at Cornell Medical College and live in New York.
Some useful links at the University of Maryland
All of my usefull (and not) links are now in my
My collection of links about med and grad schools
I visit these two pages almost every day!
Kharkov party - it is
extremely interesting, especially for people from Kharkov
- constantly developing and updated vurtual country for mostly russian
speakers. It's just VERY cool.
homepages at the University of Maryland
Last updated on July 14, 1997