Timothy Van Buren Richmond
This is Marla and I at a wedding in Ft. Worth, 11/2005
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Well, I haven't updated this site in quite a while.  I figured I'd jump on and at least add a current picture of myself so that you won't find yourself assaulting a stranger on the street due to an out of date photo.

As for what I'm doing, I'm working at Power Brokers, LP as a Senior Pricing Analyst in Dallas, TX.  Email me if you want to know more, as who knows when I'm going to have time to update.
Find me at MySpace.com
Is it hard to breath with so many holes in your lungs...?
Out of Ammo?  Here, take some of mine...
Please sign my guestbook, the link is at the bottom of the page.
Houston's Crew
The Old Flowershop
My general photo-page
isohunt.com Squizzle.com
The Russ Martin Show
State Marijuana Penalties
Email me:  If you don't know it, then you won't get it