Ok well I have done it.....

I have betrayed my kind I have used frontpag.gif (9866 bytes) to create it......

But never mind life goes on...

So I came up with this page, its meant to be better than the old one....
You remember that one right, 'NO' Well good... Then you won't know that this one's even worse, but hey I don't care....



Hi my names Martin Steers (This is how all pages are meant to start right)

Yes this is me, it's the best I could find out of the pile of broken cameras, cracked mirrors and smashed pictures me!!!.jpg (13614 bytes)

RIGHT so what am I supposed to do now.. Arrh I know tell you about myself (Yer Right), OK here goes:

My Name is Martin Steers (One more time for the thick people)

I live in Colchester, Essex WHICH IS IN THE UK!!!!

At the moment I am at Colchester Institute (For about 8 more weeks, YES!!)


Well I do lots of things including and YES I will put my hand up to it I am not scared, SCOUTING, yes well I have said it now..

I also 'Help'*1 run Colchester Games Club which is a local club where we play all sorts of games (Here we go), it's a good place we meet on a friday night I have been going for a very long time and have gathered many friends through it. *1 Well i did run, have run and at the moment sort of running...


Well where was I.. Arrh I remember telling you about myself. Well I have a lovely Girlfriend (Yes a girlfriend for all those people who do actually know me). Called Sarah and she's so lovely...


This Page Continues On The Real Stuff


If you really want to talk to me e-mail me at martinsteers@yahoo.com


If you want to leave me a message goto:    Sign Guestbook
If you want to view what other people have said:    View Guestbook


18/04/2000    Uploaded newer version again and changed somethngs.... Have still to sort out guest book....
17/04/2000    Uploaded newer version of site fixes errors and spell errors (Thank you Sarah)
17/04/2000    Chris asked me to take down picture... He will have to ask nicely..
16/04/2000    This site is half written and will be updates soon...