Welcome to the home page of the University of Houston Chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta-Phi Eta Sigma.

Upcoming Events
Officer Retreat
  • Date: Wednesday, May 23rd
  • Time: 10a to 3pm
  • Location: Bayou City Room, UC
  • Why: Officer Transition Meeting
  • Who Needs to Attend: 2001-2002 and 2000-2001 Officers

    President's Message

    Dear Members:

    I apologize for the delay in updating the web page. I have been so busy with end of year activities and I unfortunately was hospitalized for a few days; therefore, the web page has had to take a back seat.

    As far as the induction ceremony went, I can honestly say that it was a specticle. It was both poignant and expeditious, not to mention very well recieved. If you missed it, I can honestly say that you missed a spectacular extravagenza. My only regret is that I could not attend the entire ceremony.

    The officer elections went smoothly as well and I am happy to announce that thee President-elect for the coming school year is Nancy Behazin. New officer contacts will be posted along with the 2000-2001 officers as soon as time permits.

    On a personal note, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Melinda Koonce, Anvy Nguyen, Suzanne Bonifaz, Xavier Cano, Amy Kaczmarowski, and all the other officers and members of ALD-PES for an outstanding year. We have grown tremendously as a team and I look forward to seeing what the 2001-2002 officers and members can accomplish. It has been my pleasure to serve as your President. When the officer transition becomes complete on May 23rd and I officially vacate my office, it will be my turn to smile and walk away. I am not good at doing that, but I must under the national consitiutions. I wish Nancy and her team the absolute best. Good luck and God speed.

    David Landgrebe
    Immediate Past President

    Various Volunteer Opportunities
      Houston Food Bank
    • Volunteers do NOT have to work the entire day. Smaller shifts are available.
    • For directions and more info, please pick up a copy on DESK 19, Campus Activities, UC Underground, or call 713-223-3700

    The following information is selected from the bulletin board in the MVP Office. For more information, please contact MVP at 713-743-5200.

      Category: Animals
    • Agency: Houston Humane Society
    • Contact: Carla Weaver 713-434-6421
    • Purpose: Eliminate cruelty, abuse, and overpopulation of animals.

      Category: Arts
    • Agency: Children's Museum of Houston
    • Contact: Caroline Sabin 713-522-1138 ext. 209
    • Volunteers are needed for gift shop concessions, office, tour docent, and information booth.

      Category: Children and Youth
    • Agency: YMCA International Services
    • Contact: Ann Amedy 713-339-9015
    • Volunteers are needed for after school tutor, office aide, Chaperone for field trip, etc.

      Category: Disabilities
    • Program Name: Best Buddies
    • Contact: Gina Rodriguez (MVP Office) 713-743-5200
    • Officer position, membership, etc are available.

      Category: Education and Literacy
    • Agency: Houston Read Commission
    • Contact: Lizzy Hargrove 713-845-2430
    • Volunteer tutors and student intern positions are available.

      Category: Environment
    • Agency: American Red Cross
    • Contact: Deborah Monroe 713-526-8300
    • Purpose: Provide emergency preparedness and response, assist military personnel and families.
    • Volunteers are needed for various areas.

      Category: Family Issue
    • Agency: Bay Area Women's Center
    • Contact: H. Rodgers Thomson 281-424-3300
    • Volunteers are needed as hotline clerk, volunteer services assistant, community education assistant, office aide, and resale shop clerk

    About this home page Links to the National ALD Homepage, etc

    About ALD-PES

    Mail US. Contact Information

    This page is maintained by David Landgrebe. If you have any suggestions, please contact him.