Here is my happy links page!


Go see some of my friends awesome websites

(sensing a bit of a theme?)

The Owl's Lair: He's funky! He's cool! He swing dances his way into your heart! If you ever wanted to find a MIDI version of your favorite song, you should check this page.

The Wombat Underground: He sings, he dances, he acts, he plays the kazoo! Um, yeah.... He is the spiffiest person that I know... gosh, his middle name is "the embodiment of all things groovy", he's got to be pretty darn cool.

The Wolf's Den: Got a thing for men in uniform? Check out this page! There is this totally KICK ASS pictures of wolf in his fatigues...


ok, so these don't fit the animal theme... at least the names don't ;)

The Sandman Zone: Am I dreaming, or is this East Lansing? Are you are Star Wars fanatic? Check out this page and talk to this guy... he knows more about Star Wars than any of you puny mortals could ever hope to know.

John's Place: Are you a war monger? Do you like sharp pointy objects? Do you know how to use any really cool weapons? Go visit John's page and give him a little e-mail ringy dingy.

Todd's Home: All the reflections you could ever hope to read about U-M. Being that he goes there, he's already got some major brownie points! Go read some pretty cool thoughts from a pretty cool guy.

Andrea's Page: Whatever you want. What a theme! She's cool, she's my roommate, she can kick your ass.

Blink 182: They are my favorite "boy band"! Forget BSB and N'Sync! They wouldn't run around naked.... ever.


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