Dire Straits (1978)
1-. Down to the waterline
2-. Water of love
3-. Setting me up
4-. Six blade knife
5-. Southbound again
6-. Sultans of Swing
7-. In the gallery
8-. Wild west end
9-. Lions
Communiqué (1978)
1-. Once upon a time in the west
2-. News
3-. Where do you think you're going?
4-. Communiqué
5-. Lady writer
6-. Angel of mercy
7-. Portobello Belle
8-. Single handed sailor
9-. Follow me home
Making Movies (1980)
1-. Tunnel of Love
2-. Romeo and Juliet
3-. Skateaway
4-. Expreso love
5-. Hand in hand
6-. Solid Rock
7-. Les boys
Love over Gold (1982)
1-. Telegraph road
2-. Private investigations
3-. Industrial disease
4-. Love over gold
5-. It never rains
Alchemy (1983)
1-. Once upon a time in the west
2-. Expreso Love
3-. Romeo and Juliet
4-. Love over Gold
5-. Private Investigations
6-. Sultans of Swing
7-. Two Young Lovers
8-. Tunnel of Love
9-. Telegraph Road
10-. Solid Rock
11-. Going Home (from 'Local Hero')
Brothers in Arms (1984)
1-. So far Away
2-. Money for Nothing
3-. Walk of Life
4-. Your Latest Trick
5-. Why Worry
6-. Ride Across the River
7-. The Man's too Strong
8-. One World
9-. Brothers in Arms
Money For Nothing (1988)
1-. Sultans of Swing
2-. Down to the Waterline
3-. Portobello Belle - live
4-. Twisting by the Pool (remix)
5-. Romeo and Juliet
6-. Where do you think you're going
7-. Walk of Life
8-. Private Investigations
9-. Money for Nothing
10-. Tunnel of Love
11-. Brothers in Arms
12-. Telegraph Road - live
On Every Street (1991)
1-. Calling Elvis
2-. On every Street
3-. When it comes to you
4-. Fade to Black
5-. The Bug
6-. You and Your Friend
7-. Heavy Fuel
8-. Iron Hand
9-. Ticket to Heaven
10-. My Parties
11-. The Planet of New Orleans
12-. How Long
On the Night (1992)
1-. Calling Elvis
2-. Walk of Life
3-. Heavy Fuel
4-. Romeo and Juliet
5-. Private Invetigations
6-. Your Latest Trick
7-. On every Street
8-. You and Your Friend
9-. Money for Nothing
10-. Brothers in Arms
Live at the BBC (1995)
1-. Down To The Waterline
2-. Six Blade Knife
3-. Water Of Love
4-. Wild West End
5-. Sultans Of Swing
6-. Lions
7-. What's The Matter Baby?
8-. Tunnel Of Love
Sultans of Swing (1998)
1-. Sultans Of Swing
2-. Lady Writer
3-. Romeo And Juliet
4-. Tunnel Of Love
5-. Private Investigations
6-. Twisting By The Pool
7-. Love Over Gold (live)
8-. So far Away
9-. Money For Nothing
10-. Brothers In Arms
11-. Walk Of Life
12-. Calling Elvis
13-. Heavy Fuel
14-. On Every Street
15-. Your Latest Trick (live)
16-. Local Hero - Wild Theme (live)

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Si aún necesitas más información sobre Dire Straits (fotos, entrevistas, etc...)
te recomiendo que visites estas páginas :
Dire Strais : On Infostreet
SMOOCHING: The Mark Knopfler Home Page
Neck and Neck: The Mark Knopfler Homepage

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