Bookmarks on Computer Topics
Chalerm Srisawan

This page was created for faculties and students in Electronic Programme, Faculty of Sciences and Technology , Rajabhat Institute Chandrakasem, for creating lesson plans, term papers, exercises, tests and further studies.But it is useful for anyone to use it as a first guide to study in any topics in this bookmarks.There are also booksmark on Electronics ,Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, AI, Robotics and Mechatronics, Physics and others.If someone used it and found any usefulness and any comments please mail me for updating and for continuous improvement. Online Courses TOP
Current Operating System TOP
Slackware LINUX TOP
LINUX in Thailand TOP
BSD- Berkeley Software Design, Inc. Unix TOP
Sun Solaris Unix TOP
Unix Help and Utilities TOP
Database on Linux TOP
xBASE on Linux TOP
Others Application on Linux TOP
xBASE on DOS and Windows TOP
Free Compilers TOP
Free Software TOP
Mac Freeware/Shareware TOP
HTML References TOP
Programming/Free Programming TOP WebRing Lexitron Thai<-->English Dictionary

If you have any comments. Please feel free to mail to or for continuous improvement. last update : 01-27-2000

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