It's the fun and fascinating way to
increase your mind power! Find out how smart you really are.............You
may be smarter than you think!!!
Here we go...................
Question 1~~~~~~~Not so Easy
How quickly can you find out what's unusual about this paragraph? It looks so ordinary you'd think nothing was wrong with it at all - and, in fact, nothing is. But it is unusual. Why? Study it, think about it, and you may find out. But you must do it without coaching: I'm not going to assist you in any way. No doubt, if you work at it for a bit, it will dawn on you. Who knows until you try? So hop to it, try your skill and pray for luck. Par is about half an hour.
Question 2~~~~~~~Oops!!!
Their are three errers in this item. Study it carefully and see if you can find all three of them.
Question 3~~~~~~~Scrambled Box Tops
Three boxes - one containing two black marbles, one containing two white marbles, the third containing one black marble and one white marble - are put before you. The boxes are labelled to indicate their contents - BB, WW and BW - but you are told that the tops have been switched so that every box is now incorrectly labelled. You are asked to take one marble at a time out of any box, without looking inside, and using this sampling process, to determine the contents of all three boxes. What is the smallest number of drawings you will need to determine the contents of each box?
Question 4~~~~~~~Simple Counting
READ the following sentence.
Now count out loud the F's in that sentence. Count them ONLY ONCE; do not go back and count them again.
Question 5~~~~~~~Form an equation
Add one line to make it an equation (meaning don't add a line through the = sign)
Question 6~~~~~~~One buck?
Three guys went to a hotel... each of them contributed $10, but the rental was only $25, so they had the change of $5. They tip the guy who served them ($2), and each of them kept $1.....
Now come to the question...
Each of them got back $1 so that they only paid $9... three of them paid $27 (3 x $9) plus the tip ($2) was only $29..... where was the one buck???
Question 7~~~~~~~How old ?
How old is this person? In two years, she'll be twice as old as she was five years ago.
Question 8~~~~~~~Cigarette butts
A man who loves cigarettes found a way to make cigarettes using cigarette butts. He uses 6 cigarette butts to make 1 cigarette. If he has 36 cigarette butts, how many cigarettes can he make?
Question 9~~~~~~~Light bulbs
There are three light bulbs on the second floor of a building and there are three switches on the ground floor which are used to turn on the light bulbs (one switch turns on one bulb).
A man is on the ground floor and he knows that the three light bulbs on the second floor are all turned off. How can he just go up to the second floor ONCE to determine which switches control which light bulbs??
Question 10~~~~~~~Butterflies
A jar with 2 butterflies in it. The number of butterflies doubles everyday. In 50 days the jar is full, what day is the jar half full?
Question 11~~~~~~~Is it Possible?!
.....There are 12 coins and a
beam balance, one of which is a counterfeit.
Using 3 weighings, tell me
1. Which is the fake coin????
2. Is it heavier or lighter
than the rest????
Question 12~~~~~~~ Cross the bridge
There are
4 guys standing on the left hand side of a rope-bridge, hanging over a
deep canyon. They are being chased by a tribe of hungry cannibals and need
to cross the bridge in 17 minutes. Of course there are some restrictions:
They can only cross a maximum of two persons at a time. And it's getting
kinda dark so they have to bring a flashlight with them each time they
cross, but there's only 1 flashlight (so, each time someone's gotta go
back with the flashlight). By the way, the canyon is too wide to throw
the flashlight across. They all walk at different speeds so take different
times to cross the bridge: Man A takes 1 minute Man B takes 2 minutes Man
C takes 5 minutes Man D takes 10 minutes. When two of them walk together
the time of the slowest person counts (so, when A and D cross it takes
10 minutes).
Can you
find a way for them to get across in time?
Question 13~~~~~~~ Who is the cleverest ?
The king wished to select the cleverest person in the country. After series of tests, three cleverest candidates were selected. He told the three candidates that there would be 5 small wooden blocks, two black in color and three white in color and one of them would be stuck to each of their backs in the dark. They would then be placed in a room and they cannot see their own blocks (since on their backs), but they can see the others' blocks. They were required to guess the color of their own block and if any of them guessed right, he would be the king, but if guessed wrong... he would be KILLED !.
(a) they were each stuck a white color block in their back in the dark.
(b) the king ordered them to tell what was the color of their block. For the first time, nobody could tell
(c) for the second time, the king asked again... Nobody could tell.
(d) for the third time, the king asked again. This time, one of the candidates said "white"
Why could this guy know?
Question 14~~~~~~~ Fake coin ??
A man was digging in his garden and he came across a really old box. Full of excitement, he opened the box and found an old dirty coin inside. After cleaning it, he saw that the coin had the date 65 B.C. on it. He was really thrilled that he had made a fantastic discovery. He took it to a coin dealer who took one look at it and said it was a fake. How did he know?
Question 15~~~~~~~ Grain silos
Three grainsilos have the following capacity:
A 8000 kilos
B 5000 kilos
C 3000 kilos
A is full, B and C are empty.
Can you without weighing put 4000 kilos in silo A and 4000 kilos in silo B?
Question 16~~~~~~~ The man with the hat
There are four man standing in
front of a firing-squad. Two of them (nr.1 & 3) wear a black hat and
two of them (nr.2 & 4) wear a white hat. They are all facing the same
direction and between nr.3 and nr.4 stands a brick wall (see picture).
So nr.1 can see nr.2 & 3, nr.2 sees nr.3, nr.3 sees only the wall and
nr.4 doesn't see a thing. The men know that there are two white and two
black hats.
The commander of the firing-squad
is willing to let the men go if one of them can say what color hat he is
wearing. The men are not allowed to talk. The only thing they may say is
"I'm wearing a white/black hat". If one of the men knows which hat he is
wearing he must tell it and all men will be free.
Which man knows 100% sure what
color hat he's wearing?
Question 17~~~~~~~ Farmers problem
A farmer is standing on one side of the river and with him are a wolf, a goat and a box with cabbages. In the river there is a small boat. The farmer wants to cross the river with all the three items who are with him. There are no bridges and in the boat there is only room for the farmer and one item. But if he leaves the goat with the cabbages alone on one side of the river the goat will eat the cabbages. If he leaves the wolf and the goat on one side the wolf will eat the goat. Only the farmer can seperate the wolf from the goat and the goat from the cabbage.
How can the farmer cross the river with all three items, without one eating the other ?
Question 18~~~~~~~ Lost
You are lost in a forest. The
forest is between two villages. In village A live only liars, they always
lie. In village B people always tell the truth. You want to go to village
B. Then you see a man from village A or B. You can ask him only one question.
Which question will you ask
him to know for sure where village B is ?
Question 19~~~~~~~ Meat purchase
A butcher goes to the market with $100 cash. He has to buy exactly 100 animals. There are cows, geese and chicken for sale. A cow costs $15, a goose is $1 and a chicken costs $0.25. He has to buy at least one of each animal and has to spend all his money.
What does the butcher buy?
Question 20~~~~~~~ Don't hang yourself
A fool wants to tie a rope around the earth. So he buys a rope of 40,000 KM and ties it around the world. His neighbour, also a fool, wants to do the same only he wants the rope on sticks 1 meter above the ground.
How much more rope does he need?
And how much more rope do you
need when you use a tennis ball instead of the earth?
Question 21~~~~~~~ Mother and daughter
A mother is four times as old as her daughter. In 20 years she will be twice as old as her daughter.
How old are mother and daughter now?
Question 22~~~~~~~ What a rib-off !!
Achmed and Ali are camel-drivers
and on one day they decided to quit their job. They wanted to become shepherds.
So they went to the market and sold all their camels. The amount of money(dinars)
they received for each camel is the same as the total of camels they owned.
For that money they bought as many sheep as possible at 10 dinars a sheep.
For the money that was left they bought a goat.
On their way home they got in
a fight and decided to split up. When they divided the sheep there was
one sheep left. So Ali said to Achmed "I take the last sheep and you can
get the goat". "That's not fair" said Achmed, "a goat costs lesser than
a sheep". "Ok", Ali said "then I will give you one of my wives and then
we are even". And Achmed agreed.
What costs a woman?
Question 23~~~~~~~ West Wessex Marathon Race
With a field of five for the west wessex marathon race, there was little to interest the bettors. So, Peter Piper opened one of his ingeneous books where he accepts multiple bets at high odds. To place a multiple bet, you must bet on two propositions, and you will win only if you are wholly successful. Peter Piper is now on an extended vacation because of the bettors who lost these bets:
1) A will not win the gold, nor
B the silver.
2) C will win a medal, and D
will not.
3) D and E will both win medals.
4) D will not win the silver,
nor E the bronze.
5) A will win a medal, and C
will not.
Who won which of the medals?
Question 24~~~~~~~ Bar puzzle
Five people visit a bar for a drink of Scotch Whisky. They all have their drink served differently and by different bar staff. From the clues given below, can you work out which bar person served whom, how they had their Scotch and in what order they were served at the bar.
Someone is served a Scotch & Cola by Carmen.
Mrs Johnson was not served her Scotch & Ginger Ale by Marcella.
Mr Weiss was served by Paul.
The person who drinks Scotch & Cola wasn't served second.
The cocktail drinker was served last.
Marcella served the fourth person in line but they didn't order a Scotch
& Soda.
Neither Carmen nor Hans served Mr Petit who was third in line at the bar.
First in line was not Miss La Rue.
Drinkers; Weiss,
Muller, Petit, Johnson, La Rue
Servers; Paul,
Carmen, Hans, Marcella, Andy
Drinks; (Scotch
&) Cola, Gingerale, Ice, Soda, Cocktail
Order served; first second,
third, fourth, fifth
Question 25~~~~~~~ U2 puzzle
U2 has a concert that starts
in 17 minutes and they must all cross a bridge to get there. All four men
begin on the same side of the bridge. You must help them across to the
other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people
can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must
have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth,
it cannot be thrown, etc. Each band member walks at a different speed.
A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower man's pace:
Bono:- 1 minute to cross
Edge:- 2 minutes to cross
Adam:- 5 minutes to cross
Larry:- 10 minutes to cross
For example: if Bono and Larry
walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side
of the bridge. If Larry then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20
minutes have passed and you have failed the mission.
Can you get them across in 17 minutes?
Question 26~~~~~~~ Who own's the zebra?
There are five different houses.
Each house has its own color.
Each house has a man of a different
Each man drinks a different
Each man has a differnt pet.
Each man smokes a different
The Englishmen lives in the red
The Swede has a dog.
The Dane drinks tea.
The Green house is on the left
side of the white house.
The man in the green house drinks
The man that smokes Pall Mall
has birds.
The man in the yellow house
smokes Dunhills.
The man in the middle house
drinks milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first
The man that smokes Blends lives
in the house next to the house with cats.
The man in the house next to
the house with the horse, smokes Dunhills.
The man who smokes Blue Masters
drinks beer.
The German smokes Princes.
The Norwegian lives next to
the blue house.
Water is drank in the house
next to the house where Blends are smoked.
Who owns the zebra?
Question 27~~~~~~~ Black hole
The puzzle you are about to see
is a miracle. I know that some landowners will be very pleased to know
that they can increase there property by dividing it in the following pieces.
Question 28~~~~~~~ Another marble puzzle
You have fifty bags, each with
approximately one hundred balls inside. You have a weighing machine with
a digital readout, with 3 places of decimals on the display, calibrated
in grams, it is capable of weighing an infinite amount (but it won't have
All of the balls in all of the
bags weigh 1 gram, except in one bag in which all of the balls weigh 1.001
You cannot tell by look or feel
which bag has the heavier balls.
How do you determine which bag contains the heavier balls? You can use the weighing machine only once (which means you can obtain only one reading from it before it self destructs).
Question 29~~~~~~~Good bargain
Two strangers from different parts of America both build simular apartment buildings in their home towns. By chance, they both forget an important part of thier project. They each, once again by chance, call the same national hardware store and order the missing items. The prices they are quoted are as follows:
one will cost them $2.
two will cost them $2.
twelve will cost them $4.
and a hundred and fourty-four
will cost $6.
What was the item they needed?
Question 30~~~~~~~Big Ben
A clock strikes '6' in 5 seconds.
How long does it take to strike '12'?
in case you are stressed out trying to solve the problems, feel free to
go to my jokes page. I also have a page put up on links to sites which
I find interesting. So enjoy yourself !.......