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Becky and Steve - 11/13/00 05:00:09
My Email:beckyjimenez@hotmail.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: friends and lovers


Steven Jiang - 08/24/00 23:46:14
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: Good Friend

hey Big man what's up nice web page i like it. I am sooo bore in school man email me sometime coool cool got to go bye.

Lance Shorrow - 05/24/00 14:59:38
My URL:www.geocities.com/lmshorrow
My Email:lshorrow@hotmail.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: Friend

Whats up mondez hope you are having a great summer, I know I am. Keep in touch.

Rehab - 04/11/00 23:15:26
My Email:egyptianqueen70@hotmail.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: Mondez's l'il sis

Hey Supa!!! you're so awesome... but, i can still wrestle you to death. heeehheee. take care and hope your last month is a blast. lotsoflove, rehab

Michael Gibson - 03/26/00 03:16:04
My Email:syncmaster_500@yahoo.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: the best friend in the whole wide world!!!

At least I know that you and Ivory are meant for one another. All Ivory says is " Mondez this and Mondez that". At least we know that the two of you are meant for one another. May the two of you live long and prosperous lives and grow old with one anoth r.

wunmi aka woo - 09/03/99 01:52:44
My Email:ato104@psu.edu
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: friend

hey buddy!....just helping u to get paid....hook me up with the money deal!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll see u around as usual

ll - 08/18/99 01:51:52


Karen - 05/28/99 20:11:17
My Email:assumptra@aol.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: gets on Ivory's last nerves

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! How disgustingly sweet... :)

Kavita& Monica - 04/30/99 00:26:48
My Email:kkp109@psu.edu

You have a very nice web page. You guys look very cute together!!!!

Renate - 04/29/99 14:34:41
My URL:http://www.chickpages.com/rants/thenada
My Email:nadasduck@hotmail.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: Ivory's Woman

Well I suppose you can have her, but she'll always be MY woman. You two are so smooshy....aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww!!!! But anyway I like your page. It's neat, so now you have to go look at mine..tee hee. Good luck to you and Ivory!

Karie Sceiford - 04/29/99 14:08:25
My Email:kaspeanut@aol.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: friend of Mondez

good job Mondez, im surprized--good luck to you in all you do.

MO Hill - 04/25/99 20:57:02
My Email:mohill78@hotmail.com
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: Ivory's friend

I think that you two are really cute together. I hope that the Lord Blesses your relationship. I can only hope that I can find a relationship like yours. Good luck in the future!!

Shontae Mitchell - 04/25/99 20:54:22
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: Ivory's friend

Good luck in the future. I hope I'm invited to the wedding!!!!!

DAWN HOUSETON - 04/22/99 17:54:27
My Email:dhouseto@wingate.edu
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: friend

you guys fit so perfectly together, may you grow as one and work hard in school so me and royce can live in the basement. love you ivory, dawn

jennifer - 03/29/99 15:17:32
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: friend

I haven't know you all for that long, but I think that you two make a fabulous couple and I wish you guys the best of luck!

Cheri Ednie - 03/29/99 15:16:06
My Email:cme141@psu.edu
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: friend of Mondez

Excelent page. I like it a lot! Congratulations on staying together through college!

Mondez Thomas - 03/29/99 15:14:23
My URL:/~supadez
My Email:mvt106@psu.edu
Relation to Ivory or Mondez: Ivory's Boyfriend

I love this site! but not as much as i love Ivory!

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