
Alright, so I'm not exactly the most original person in the galaxy. My pics are off some tacky movie and I'm basically hogging my best friend's web address (the slut's). Gimme a break 'kay! I'm like up to my neck in work and I'm still halfway through puberty... Common sense will tell you that anyone without an income and tits must either be (a) a pimp or (b) a leach. And really *yawn* I'd like to think of myself as the latter. Although any social escorts who'd like to pay my bills and stuff will.. *ahem* not be rejected...
and no... that picture isn't an invitation for oral...


(in a whisper of amazement) "Is it true?"
(irritably) "What?"
(still in a whisper of amazement) "That you're only halfway through puberty?"
(very irritably now) "Twang, you're so...... well, isn't it obvious?"
(in a worshipful tone)"Wow... seventeen, not...er...old,
and you've EVEN slept around..."

*ahem* Well... welcome to my world people - a world of inane friends who make really dumb comments (they bring new meaning to the word "dumb"), a world of "stick-it-on" pictures trying to pass off as a semblance of art (a.k.a. anggono's  "glorious" collages), and of course, the wonderful world of bitches, sluts and boobs. Yes, I do confess that we're an eclectic bunch of non-intellects, all inclined to run from our professors and tutors at the mere mention of "overdue assignments", but... well, what can I say... we've got each other *awww..... * (alienthirst melts to the floor, touched beyond words can describe). Though, give any of us an idiot-proof camera and we'll show you how there can be a greater glory in being an idiot.


But with that being said and with Twang goading me to get a website up
(yes slut, I finally got
it up......) I'd like to introduce the gang to you all since twang didn't have the guts to recognise us. And, as I said before.... give me a break okay, so I'm halfway through puberty and I can't get a boner, so SHOOT me yeah!? (and please, don't take that in any erotic manner). The same goes for you bitch. So... for all the nosey people who're reading this and do not have the privilege of knowing us:

bitch = Daniel Anggono = bubba dekrimson
slut = Timothy Wang = martianquench
boobs = Louise Wong = mochachino
legs = Geraldine Koh = badhairday
brain = Kevin Suryanti = callmegeek
pyjamas = Alaykleus Ng = alienthirst
jello = Franky Foo = mosburgerocs
body = Franchesca Mou = bullgirlnoballs

Yeah, we like to go by the name of "loser, loner, wierdo, moron" but in short, you can and will call us the "chosen". We have been placed on earth by the very elusive entity to be the balance for the world. We help to promote condescension, stupidity and the very insanity that keeps humans lustful and personable - love.
No, as opposed to popular believe that we are an orgy, I would like to point out that that an orgy is a party in which people gorge themselves on food, and to gorge ourselves in the juice of our passion, is certainly a feat we cannot possibly claim for ourselves. Of course we don't have sex. Sex is only good if you can smoke afterwards (as revealed by Hollywood), and the bloody people won't sell those little buggers to us.

Yes, if you're quick, you'd make the connection that I'm "pyjamas", why, it's because I still sleep in 'em. No, we don't belong to the slut's playground "Kampong Rampong", but nevertheless, they have my utmost respect and sympathy.... how can anyone put up with him for so long is just amazing. (I'm ragging him particularly because he got me hooked on building this site and thus significantly affected my ability to regulate time spent on the net.)


enter the C.H.O.S.E.N dimension