Here I am now! Stare and turn to stone!!!  This is me cooking adobo at my apartment at Berkeley.  Currently, Mary is living there with some Ho.  As you can see, I am also drinking some juice in this picture.  I believe it is non-non-alcoholic.  

I'm definitely darker now, but will get darker in the PI.  Nothing wrong with being dark, I just wish I get dark evenly, because I have fat ass tan lines.  I'm fatter too, which means I'll get fatter in the PI as well, as I munch down my Lola's cooking.  I'm better now than how I was a couple of months ago, despite the tan lines and the fatness.  Okay, have a great summer guys.  Remember to conserve energy.  Always wash dishes with cold water (better to shower with cold water too since it's really hot lately)-- warm water uses up gas.    
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May 24, 2001:  
Hi, I'm finally back in Stockton. Finals and classes are over.  I've finished my first year at Berkeley. Next year will be my last, but hopefully I can extend it for another semester because Berkeley is just so much fun and I want to take up an Education Minor.  It's about a week before I go to Michigan for that National Conference for Affirmative Action.  By the way I am part of BAMN (Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action and Fight for Integration and Equality By Any Means Necessary) and this organization's been responsible for building "the New Civil Rights Movement" by focusing on bringing back Aff Act in the University of California system.  Yes, since the passage of SP-1 and SP-2, there has been drastic drops in Black, Latino, and Native American enrollment in UC Berkeley, and also huge drops in the hiring of women staff/faculty. What was happening was institutional resegregation of the top two universities in the UC system, where increasingly students of color are being filtered out of UCLA and Cal.   

Guess what?  On May 16th of this year, the UC Regents voted unanimously (22-0) to "RESCIND SP-1 and SP-1" which are the 2 resolutions that Ward Connerly (sell out Regent) drafted in 1995 that took away Aff Act in the UCs, and eventually launching an anti-Aff Act campaign throughout California (which led to Prop 209) and other anti-Aff Act events nationwide.  ALthough many claim that the vote was just symbolic, it was truly testing the limits of the law, which could mean that in the future, there's this good chance of breaking and doing away with Prop 209.   
On June 10th, I will be leaving for the Philippines (my 2nd visit since I came here in the US in 1990).   
  It's crazy with the high heat, the energy shortage, and the high gas prices.  Bush is f***ing up international and domestic relations.  I really don't like him. 

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Grace L. Malvar 1998-2001