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The Life of a University Student

My PhotoI'm back in school and almost done first semester. I can see my finals looming in the near future. I can't wait until Dec. 19 cause that's my last day of exams!!! I'll let you know a little more about myself. I'm in my third year at the University of Alberta as an Economics major with a Psychology minor. I enjoy watching many sports (especially hockey) and participating in lots of recreational sports. I like going to the gym, going dancing, listening to music, rollerblading, skiing, skating, watching movies...I hang with my boyfriend Mike and my friends Katy, Steph, Luke, Kris, Anne, Rob. . .the list goes on and on. =) Check out my other pages below!

Christy's b-day PICTURES!!! Christy's birthday pictures! Click on the camera to check them out. And of course, the excellent pics from Monica's 19th birthday.


Wondering if you're compatible with your honey? Check out the Love Compatibility Meter!

Click on the graphics to check out the pages:

My Friends

Here's some pictures and info about my wicked ass friends.

These are some pics of me and my posse.

Sports My spectator sport of choice. Here’s a page that includes pics, links, etc. for many different sports, including hockey.

Entertainment Music, movies, TV shows, and other random things that entertain me, complete with a bunch of music links.

Art These are just a few of my favorite pieces of artwork, including Monet and Van Gogh.


My friends and I love going out dancing at the bars, so I've included a little page dedicated to the bar scene. It has some fun links and tips, and a review of local bars.


These are just some links to friends' pages and other random links.

Fun Stuff
This includes tons of jokes, sayings and funny links.

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How many of you guys have checked out this killer web page?

Since November 29, 1998

Take my sad banner and link to my site. Let me know and I'll do the same with yours.

Send me some email!!!
Email Me

This is the funniest site ever! I never noticed the amount of people who still have mullets in this world until Kris told me about this site.
Fear the Mullet

I am Canadian

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This page last updated on November 25, 2000