Welcome! I serve an American Baptist congregation located in the heart of Iowa State University, and I am pleased to share the sermons I preach each week.
I generally follow the Revised Common lectionary and post sermons late in the week, prior to the Sunday of preaching. I believe that preaching is a shared ministry of the Church, a collaborative effort, and you are welcome to use any material you find here, provided
proper attribution is given.
Dave Russell
April 26, 2009 - "Eternal Life and Broiled Fish."
April 19, 2009 - "Courageous Thomas."
Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009 - "Resurrection Right Now."
Palm Sunday, April 5, 2009 - sermon by Rev. Susan Russell.
March 22, 2009 - sermon by Rev. Linda Hanson.
March 15, 2009 - "The Price Is Right."
March 8, 2009 - "Raising Radishes, Raising Children."
March 1, 2009 - "The Ark and the Rainbow."
February 22, 2009 - "Mountains all Around."
February 15, 2009 - "To Heal Or Not To Heal."
February 8, 2009 - "Soaring, Running, Walking."
February 1, 2009 - "The Authority of Love."
January 25, 2009 - "Griped At God's Grace."
January 18, 2009 - sermon by Rev. Susan Russell
January 11, 2008 - "The Beginning."
January 4, 2009 - No church today due to ice.