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04/25/99 19:20:06
My URL: Visit Me


04/25/99 18:59:57
Name: Test My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
You Liked:: test You Disliked:: test Other sites you recommend:: test
AGE: test city where you're from: test Style of music [i.e. R&B, Rock, Rap, etc]: test

Testing 1...2....3...

Martin Battaliou - 04/22/99 19:55:49
My URL:http://www.warezcities.com/users/General_Warez/jscript/mirror.html
My Email:battaliou@usa.net

heheh nice page but mine better hehhe

04/20/99 17:07:31
Name: malik My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
You Liked:: your pictures You Disliked:: the pic of half naked men holdogn each other on the beac!! AGE: 28
city where you're from: born in cleveland ohio Style of music [i.e. R&B, Rock, Rap, etc]: i bleed hip hop


04/02/99 20:15:44
Name: Jio My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me AGE: 23
city where you're from: NYC Style of music [i.e. R&B, Rock, Rap, etc]: DANCE

I love you homepage Tammy. Keep up the good work.

04/02/99 15:34:58
Name: DEREK SANTANA My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
You Liked:: JENNIFER LOPEZ AGE: 24 city where you're from: BROOKLYN
Style of music [i.e. R&B, Rock, Rap, etc]: ALTERNITIVE,HIP HOP


03/28/99 17:13:40
Name: solar1 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
You Liked:: Everything You Disliked:: I can't think of anything. AGE: 23
city where you're from: Lexington

I really liked your site, maybe we can chat sometime soon.

03/22/99 15:42:58
My URL: Visit Me


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