Poetry Lounge

Heaven's Tears

Tears have fallen before

But never like this downpour

Tears flow because you're not here,

Because you're not around to hold me near

Heaven's Tears drowns my own

Slides down my cheeks and cradles my frown

Heaven's Tears pools up in my eyes

Overflows, drowns out my cries

Can't explain the emotions that I feel

in such a short time. Can it be real?

Can't deny my instincts. The attraction

Was so strong, even forgot the contraception

Heaven's Tears fall in time with my own

Thinking of all the obstacles, everything looks down

Heaven's Tears blinds my eyes

Wipe away these tears, I try

Heaven's Tears have fallen and dried

I have shed tears, oh! How I cried

Oh no, sadness is not what I feel

Hope, joy, and faith is in my heart, so what the deal?
Copyrighted by Tammy Tai 9/20/2000

Just @ CrUsH !!!

" It's a CRUSH, " they say

But they don't live my life everyday

How would they know

That every day my feelings grow?

"It's not gonna last," they say

"these premature emotions will go away"

let me tell you, deep down below

are seeds of love and passion that I wish to sow

"Time will tell," they say

everything is according to plan, there ain't no delay

Negative thoughts like that, I try to over throw

Nothing is impossible, ya know?
Copyrighted by Tammy Tai 9/21/2000

Poetry by Steve Correia

Words in My Head

If I presented you with the most vibrant and reddest of all roses

from the most majestic of all the creators' gardens

it's petals would appear dull and lusterless when placed beside your lips

For your lips are the deepest and most vibrant of all reds

If an artist's brush painted the most
breathtaking sunset that any eyes could behold

And capture them for eternity on canvas, for the whole world to see

Its' colours would diminish when compared to the radiance of your smile

For your smile alone could illuminate the darkest of nights

If I closed my eyes and imagined the most romantic, secluded glade

Abundant with the most exquisite array of flowers

found anywhere on God's earth

Their perfumed aromas would fade when confronted with your beauty

For your beauty, my love, encompasses all others

And if I opened my aching arms and held you gently against my chest

The sound of your tender heart beating, steadily, in tune with mine

Would put the most melodious of Heaven's angels to shame

For your heart contains the most tender of emotions to rival any symphony

In your arms every dream I ever dreamt becomes reality

For you, my darling, are the sweetest and bravest of all God's angels

The sacrifices and heartaches you endure for my tear constantly at my heart

And yet, despite all this, you love me above and beyond all else

I offer you all that I am and all that I have

There is no sacrifice too great that I wouldn't make to you

I would shield you from all harm, forsaking my life to keep you safe

And with my last breath proclaim to the world my undying love for you

"You are mine, now and forever, because He has decreed it ..."

Do yo have any idea how many hours in my day

are devoted to thought of you?

How many nights I lay awake praying for your

image to enter my mind and bring peace to my aching heart?

If you only knew how many times you have

walked silently into my dreams and held me in your arms.....

Utter Contentment
Where dreams take over from the reality of the computer

and for the space of a heartbeat you are mine

And your words which were once upon my screen are now upon your lips

As you whisper them sweetly in my ear

Tender words that tear at the very heart of my

soul and leave me feeling cherished, desired and oh so very loved

A Love that cries out for Fulfilment
A love that began as a tiny spark, in cyber heaven

now a ranging inferno within out very hearts

Sometimes even I am frightened by its intensity

You once said that if we ever met, sparks would fly

Earths would collide and the Gods would smile

Come my darling, take my hand, and together we will create fireworks
the likes of which this world has never seen

And if the world should crumble around us, do not despair

For you see, you my love, Heaven awaits us...

My life has always been a storm, with lightening, thunder and rain

I'll never forget the unforgettable times, when my heart held all that pain

I had no one to turn to, nowhere to run, life was just too tough

But when the angles heard my cries, they yelled "That Steve has had enough"

They brought me comfort, kept me safe, sheltered me from rain

But they realized that wasn't enough, I needed more to stop the rain

They found me someone, kind and sweet, someone to keep my heart

and the day they put us together, we knew we would never be apart

You dried my tears, got rid of the pain and discovered all my love

and thanks to them I realized one thing, all angels aren't from above

you say you're not the one for me, I just don't believe that you see....

I've never felt like this before and while
all my friends say it's poor,

they just don't know you like I do. For if

they knew you half as well as I do they

would love you too.

You tell me to find a new and there's

nothing between me and you...

I die each time you say these things

You don't understand the pain it brings...

Every time I see you smile I get a little

piece of heaven if only for a while

Whenever you're not here

the pain is simply too hard to bare

I know you don't feel the same for me

but if you only gave me a chance you would see
how great things could be between you and me

Certain chances, occurrences

Have caused our paths to meet

Destiny has joined our hearts

And made our lives complete

Not all lives that cross

Produce a union that is strong

Fate can sometimes tempt

And then remind us we were wrong

Fortune has confirmed

Our love is not a false disguise

Love is something we in time

will truly maximize

Something rare has happened

Life has given us a chance

There is something natural

and true in our romance

Days are so delicious

Time is so special; Minds set free,

I believe our love is real

And we were meant to be

All the poetry above are copyrighted by Steve Correia 2000
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