My Children,

     If you are here, that means you know me. And that means you might (or might not) care about what I have to say. I wish to let the world know that I will be taking a leave of absense from life. What that means, even I do not know. But I do know that I will not be updating my page for a while, until mySimon moves to San Francisco. By that time, all the dust will have settled, my time of commute will be shorter (thus equating more time to update this page), and hopefully, the people laid off will have gone postal and I will still be alive. So if you need to get a hold of me, call me at 415-782-8944. If I am not there, it is because that is not my phone number. The alternative would be to email me at I probably would not respond to most of your emails immediately because I will be busy with Half Life: CounterStrike, but fear not...I will eventually get to your ever-so-important "FW: Awww, how cute!" and "FW: Send this to 3 people..." emails.

     Until then (or never, whichever comes first), God Bless, Allah be with you, Domo Aregato, Pinche Caberone, Oompa Loompa doob ba dey doo....


Who's your daddy?