Hi-who are you:)?
I'm Kelli and I live in Iowa, nice to meet you!
Can I have your email:
So where are you from?
Whats shakin in your part of the world?
How old are you
I'm 18, Guy or Gal?
Your URL:
I'll for sure check out your site!
Do you have a sister sites on your page?
If so, can I add you to mine?
Do you like filling these out?
I do.
Do you like my page?
Be honest I dont know how to hack...yet! hehe j/k
So what would you like to see be added..c'mon I know you wanna tell me...please:)
Have you signed my slambook yet? You should it's fun
Do you have any favorite sites that I could visit?
Yes:) No:( Maybe~*~
Aw c'mon where is it!
What cd is in your cd player right now
I've got Fuel and Orgy in mine..do you like them?
Do you have any secrets you just absolutely have to tell someone...tell me:) I love cheesy secrets
Anyone special in your life right now?
What do you want to name your kids when you have them?
I'm thinking like Kelsey or Katie, I like those names...I don't know for a boy though...
Are you bored yet?
Well I think I'm done for now, it's been fun talking to you