My Net Nerd
*~This is my Net Nerd--He protects me from all evil:)!~*

Hey everyone, thanks for stoppin by and checkin dis ole place over, actually isn't not really old, I keep updating it..BUT i'm in the process of making a better page, so keep checking back to see if I've finally gotten it finished. I will try to keep updating this place cause after all it was my first page, i still like it, it's just really...boring. Anyways, thanks!

This is my hairball I adopted, his names Dan:)

<<< Girls Will Be Girls >>>

Check out my new webpage, it's not completely finished yet but check it out anyways, it's called Daisie.s

Iowa State University A link devoted to me My Awards Webrings

Cliques I've joined! Meet the Family Meet my boys, Minnesota Vikings!

See where I've Been! Links to volleyball sites My Link Page

Bubble Wrap See what your phone number says

Jesse's tribute to Jeremy McGrathJournal

~NEW~Link To Me ~NEW~
~NEW~Survey ~NEW~

Be sure to sign my slambook!

If you'd like to become a sister on my sister sites email me, I'd love to have ya!!

~S~I~S~T~E~R~ ~S~I~T~E~S~



Birthday Countdown Courtesy of Roxydoll12 and Princess Aly; image by Vikimouse

This Site is in Training for
The Site Fights
Please be sure to BookMark us and vote
when we enter the Ring.

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I had extreme techincal difficulties on March 15, 1999 and lost the whole bottom half of my page, including my counter and guestbook. The last number count I saw was up to 909 visitors. I also thank everyone who signed my guestbook before it was so sadly deleted:( and I really hope that you will all sign it again. Thanks a bunch, Kelli!

This dreambook is temporarily out of service. I haven't figured out whats up with it but i'm trying. If anyone knows why it's acting this way please email me.
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

You are visitor number:

since November 26, 1998!

Kelli's status:

My ICQ number is: 25903258 and if you have a second, please message me HERE!
My aol screen name is Kelzs1.

This page was last on May 21, 1999.

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