Internet Home of Timothy Yee-Tak Ko, MD
Birthday:          October 19, 1977 in
High school:   Liberty High School
Youngstown State University, magna cum laude, BS, 1999
Graduate:        Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, MD, 2003
Residency:       Anesthesiology, University Hospitals of Case Western Reserve University

Address:          734 Monticello Place Lane, Cleveland, OH 44143

Welcome to my sorry website.  No doubt you either fell upon this creation by chance or you might be one of my friends that has nothing better to do than to surf the net.  Whatever the case, I'm glad you could make it and I hope you find something interesting to pass the time. I am trying to keep this page as updated as possible in my free time.  It's been awhile since my last update but a lot has been going on!  I graduated from medical school, got engaged, started residency, and now am planning a wedding!  Whew!  Here is a picture of my future wife and me at our Dean's Ball from medical school.  You can see our Wedding webpage here.

Roomate follies: Here is a picture of my old roomate Akida,  caught in the act of taking a smelly dump.  There is a funny story behind this image.

Here are a few pics from a night out in Cleveland.

Tyson and Angel
Here's a link to my dogs' homepage.  It's just getting started. 

Spring Break 99 Check out some spring break pictures from Cancun, Mexico

Living Conditions Take a look at my living conditions from my first year of medical school  that I shared with Adam R. Gay(Spencer) in rural and ever so exciting Rootstown, OH.  click here

My second year I moved across town to Ravenna, oh even better.  Here's a look at my place that I shared with Akida Green and Abimbola(Bimmy) Olowo. 
click here

Now I'm a grown up and have my own house, live with my fiancee (Jennifer Smith) and have my own mortgage, yippee!!  Update to follow one day.

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last updated February 07, 2004