Day Shots
These pictures are how we spent our days down in Cancun
top: Fat Tuesdays' beach
bottom: Brian Terlecky in his daily drunken splendor
top: First day in the pool for 5 hours! john and jim go at it in a bellyflopping contest that amuses the whole hotel. well at least those of us drunk in the pool.
bottom: Jim shina's nasty asshole. can you see his colon? John and his anal fetish with a Corona bottle are satisfied.
Scenes from the Oasis Hotel. Chugging contest and beach. If girls spilled their beer they had to "SHOW US YOUR TITS"
Fat Tuesday's with the hotel friends and Nate in the bottom with his sunburned spot that could not be reached. It was the funniest thing ever.
John and Terk with and Ohio State chick and and Idaho chick repsectively.
After a grueling session of anal sex, Rob,Jim,and Terk decide to sleep for awhile till their next session. this is what we did from 5 to 7 between drinking!