Day Shots |
These pictures are how we spent our days down in Cancun |
top: Fat Tuesdays' beach |
bottom: Brian Terlecky in his daily drunken splendor |
top: First day in the pool for 5 hours! john and jim go at it in a bellyflopping contest that amuses the whole hotel. well at least those of us drunk in the pool. |
bottom: Jim shina's nasty asshole. can you see his colon? John and his anal fetish with a Corona bottle are satisfied. |
Scenes from the Oasis Hotel. Chugging contest and beach. If girls spilled their beer they had to "SHOW US YOUR TITS" |
Fat Tuesday's with the hotel friends and Nate in the bottom with his sunburned spot that could not be reached. It was the funniest thing ever. |
John and Terk with and Ohio State chick and and Idaho chick repsectively. |
After a grueling session of anal sex, Rob,Jim,and Terk decide to sleep for awhile till their next session. this is what we did from 5 to 7 between drinking! |