Haley's Resume
Haley L. Stanek
To work somewhere in the computer field.
- Sophomore Ashland University
Declared Major: Management Information Systems
Declared Minor: Marketing
Declared Minor: International Business
- Graduated Cloverleaf High School
- Academic Technologies (Aug. 1998 - Current)
- Bugle Boy (May 1998-November 1998)
- Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) (1996-1998)
Worked as shift supervisor.
- Stanek Construction
Worked as a carpenters aid.
- House Council (1997-current)
- ACM (1998-current)
- Students In Free Enterprise (1998-current)
Community Activities:
- Volunteered Special Interest Group Operator for Medina County FreeNet (1994-current)
- Volunteered as Santa Claus for the Medina County FreeNet (1995-1997)
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